Amaryllis   Our dead

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IC News

December 13, 2024 After winning the challenge for Wolfbron Bluffs and becoming the fourth Dieudonné to hold the crown, Lazare releases all the members and ends the longest standing pride's reign over the island. After seven years of the Bluffs being held by the same family, it now sits empty, waiting for the next chapter of it's leadership.

December 6, 2024 Death came to a witch hunter after she called for the death of Karsa, with Kvare answering it causing Miaran to fall. Lazare Dieudonné challenges Louve Dieudonné for Wolfbron Bluffs. Snow seems to be falling in the middle of the summer as strange animals show up and offer a tempting meal for those brave enough to jump in.

November 8, 2024 Scorpius has gone missing and in his place Zaahir steps up to take the throne of Andal Oasis. How this change of leadership will shake things up in the lands, only time will tell.

October 11, 2024 Something is happening in the Scorched Wilds. There is a battle raging between a familiar force and an unfamiliar one. What will you do? Help or hinder?

October 1, 2024 Spooky things are happening as the afterlife start walking among the living once again.

September 30, 2024 Louve Dieudonné manages to keep Wolfbron Bluffs in the family. What will happen between the Bluffs and the otherwise peaceful pride of Lorien Plains?

September 20, 2024 Ilarion Rurik challenges for Wolfbron, will the Dieudonné lead pride fall?

September 8, 2024War broke out once again in the Lagoon when a wedding had some uninvited guest arrive. The war results in the most death matches the island has seen at once. The Summit was challenged by Brighid with Talisa answering the call. After many years of the Summit have the same two leaders, the Summit changes hands. What will this mean for the balance of Amaryllis? A witch hunt has started by Luther and Miaran which seems to be turning things on an island that is full of magic.

August 25, 2024 War broke out in the challenge for the Lagoon after Cassius tries to take the Lagoon from Isla. The Cove remains with Miaran. The leadership of the Mire switches from Sigrún hold to Rike when Luther comes back to take his birthland back. Elephants push into the Rainforest and push out the lions there. Soon after Lucifer lays claim to his birthland and takes over the Rainforest.

June 27, 2024 Conflict and tensions rise as prides come head-to-head with one another across Amaryllis - just as Pyrrha and Cassius take the leap to try and claim (or reclaim) their own thrones.

May 24, 2024 Rulers continue to shift, family strife ensues, and, per usual, tensions seems taunt and always lingering on the horizon.

April 24, 2024 Things are rocky within Amaryllis as the Dieudonne clash result in three deaths and forces a shift in the rulership of Firnen Rainforest. With Caladan Cove freshly overturned as well, what will the consequenecss of these events be?

March 30, 2024 The lull has ended as a long standing family, the Dieudonné, launch death matches against their own. The Plains sees a challenge from a new comer, Aphrodite, and the quite pride is pushed into the spotlight.

March 19, 2024 A momentary lull has overtaken the lands of Amaryllis as its inhabitants attempt to find their footing and rebuild after a string of challenges. How long it will last, however, nobody can be quite sure.

February 11, 2024 The Mire has fallen from the Stärke family and is now held by Luther Rike. The change has stirred but the fighting nature of those on the island. The Brook finds a new leader with Icefang and Isla takes over the Lagoon after a storm pushes out the old leader. Reti finds himself the leader of the Hollows after Alexander is hurt. The Oasis finds a new leader in Léonie who is soon tested by Harou.

January 8, 2024 The snow has finally begun to melt anew, which means that the world is slowly returning to the much-anticipated summer season. With the various holiday activities and the other jests put on by Nafasi also coming to a close, it is safe to say that winter is finally over.

December 5th, 2023 Nafasi had pulled a cruel trick and has sent Amaryllis back into a renewed winter season! But it's not all bad, because the lands will also see a handful of holiday-themed events popping up as a result. To make things more interesting, a wayward trio of travlers have also arrived and are facilitating a mass competition between the prides, bands, and rogues -- formally dubbed the Amaryllis Winter Games.

December 2nd, 2023 The spring air brings forth a number of pride challenges. A familiar challenger for the Cove and the Oasis arrive to try to earn what they want. The new leader of the Lagoon is tested in battle as well. What changes will come from the challenges? Who will remain standing and who will find their world turned upside down?

November 27th, 2023 In a challenge between mother and daughter, the leadership of Wolfbron Bluff changes for the first time in 5 IC years.

November 22nd, 2023 Two death matches, one resurrection, and an almost-war later, the lands find themselves in a constant state of turmoil and calamity. Families have been torn apart and endless blood has been spilt; but how is it all going to end?

November 3rd, 2023 The lands stir violently as a death match rages on between Aeistrios Saxe and Morrigan Greyflood. Observers spill into the pit in droves to witness what will no doubt be a historic battle -- and it is clear that this familial fued is far from over, no matter who wins and who dies.

October 12th, 2023 With winter comes the surge of more pride challenges; Ludivine challenges Ryker for Firnen Rainforest and is victorious in her endeavors, meanwhile an outcropping of maims breaks out on the sidelines. In a shocking turn of events Luther returns to challenge Bruno for Ecrosia Mire, will the former heir prove victorious or has Bruno got what it takes to keep his brother's ambitions at bay? This has undoubtedly shaken things up as Bruno declares war against Andal Oasis and Allies in the process!

archive of old in-character news

OOC News

Quick Links - Major Discord Updates & Quick Fire Updates

January 4, 2025 The site is now open! Please read Welcome to 2025! & January Update. Both of these are important and members need to be aware of what is expected and what has changed.

January 2, 2025 The site is now open to OOC accounts and leader accounts to allow the review of the changes. The site will open fully back up on the 4th. Please read Welcome to 2025! & January Update. Both of these are important and members need to be aware of what is expected and what has changed.

December 20, 2024 Our Winter Break has started. Our Advent is still on going. Our site will be closed from Dec 26th - Jan 2nd for updates.

December 1, 2024 Our Winter Events have started!! Please read more here

November 24, 2024 Our Winter Events have been posted! Our Winter break will take place Dec 20th - Jan 6th. Please read more here

November 11, 2024 We have added two more weeks to the BWP! Also be sure to check out our Quick Fire Updates.

October 11, 2024 An important message to our members please take a moment to read it over. We are also launching our Mini-BWP! Echoes in the Ash

October 05, 2024 Check out our Fall update. There are a lot of changes and some fun new things!

October 01, 2024 Halloween has come to Amaryllis in the spring! Check out the Spooky Time Fun we have going on, complete with scavenger hunt and ghostly hauntings! There might even be something going on in the Scorched Wilds, for those brave enough to look.

July 15, 2024 We have released our official summer update/patch. It includes a lot of important information so make sure to read it through!

July 12, 2024 Our summer break is here! Learn more here! It will end on the 26th of July.

July 1, 2024 Our summer break is coming up soon! Learn more here!

June 27, 2024 The June Posting Raffle is coming to a close this weekend, so get your posts and ticket counts in!

May 28, 2024 Our June posting raffle is posted for sign ups! Sign up here. Be sure you vote for your favortie banner! Seasons banner contest voting!

May 23, 2024 The Guidebook has officially been updated with the new trade perks, as per the revamp. Please ensure that you are changing your trades or picking your perks from the pools (if applicable) in this thread.

April 19, 2024 We are entering the next phase of our trade perk revamp and testing with the launch of our soft opening, which includes the new perks going live and changes being able to be made to characters. Please read the thread in its entierty. Additionally, this is a reminder that you have until May 9th to exit your double exp threads!

April 01, 2024 Our Spring Update is a MASSIVE update! New trade perks are annouced, changes to leadership and prides, new ranks, and more! Be sure to read it over! After you are done, be sure to head to member testing to give the new trade perks a test drive!

March 19, 2024 With our site-wide double trade experience event now fully underway, the Admin team would like to bring our official 2024 Site Fundraiser to everyone's attention. We rely on our members to keep the site going, and are offering a wide range of gifts and prizes - please take a look!

March 1, 2024 Our double trade experience fundraiser is open for donations! Please read about the changes made for this time around.

February 13, 2024 It is time for our 2024 Community Check In. This survey covers OOC areas, IC areas, and a few other things that staff are looking to gain insight on. This is very important to us so please take the time to answer the questions. You have until March 11th to finish this survery. Once complete, you can claim an item from the shop or 150xp. More details are in the survey.

January 25, 2024 Site update! Please review some changes to the site here.

January 8, 2024 Happy New Year and welcome back from our site-wide break! We're looking forward to picking things back up, and hope that everyone feels refreshed.

December 2, 2023 Fa la la la la, la la la la! It's finally December, and we all know what that means — holiday events, woohoo! We will also be having a site break December 22nd - Jan 5th.

November 28, 2023 We are looking for input on the trade system revamp. Learn more about it and the raffle here!

archive of old out-of-character news


Character of the Month
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Elaine vs. Tripfire for Minor Maim
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September Y13
Though the air is still warm and the sun is bright, the summer is beginning to wane and, with it, the humidity has started to die down. It is a welcomed relief for the inhabitants of the jungle, as more moderate weather will mean that the rainforest will not feel quite as stifling, as well as those from the desert, who's early autumn will see calm winds and mild nights. For the rest of the peninsula, the change in seasons will be gradual, hinting towards the colder months that are soon to come.

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All site-based items on Amaryllis are copywritten to the owners. Characters are copywritten and owned by their creators. Amaryllis is currently owned by Ice and Irish. Themes coded by Dusk. Full credits here.

Our Dead


August, Year -14 — September, Year -1


Life: Born worlds away as the last princess to a dying throne, her bloodline mattered little by the time she wandered into a valley full of claim-happy lions. More than once she'd find herself in a pride not of her choosing. Orphaned from a young age, she lived a life of struggle and quickly learned the need to fight for what she wanted. That didn't mean she always won, though, and so the girl also learned the art of healing. Eventually, she was adopted by her aunt and uncle, and thus family became her everything.
Amidst her strife, there was a time of peace with her first husband, Ruvaak. Ruling together. Starting their own family. They were happy, but happiness never lasts. When the king died unexpectedly, Kito's world was shattered once again. Nothing was ever quite the same after that. She would eventually rule again, had more children, expanded her craft, but there was always a longing for the past. Years later, after being forced to leave her home, Kito found one last period of peace in an unexpected place. Crossing paths with an old friend turned into one last love, with her last husband, Aeneas.

Death: Already, the cost of war and plague had wrecked havoc on Kito's aging body. They never expected any cubs of their own at their age, but the fates thought otherwise when the silver woman gave birth to two more little cubs. The whole pregnancy took a heavy burden on her already weak health, however. Still, Kito and Aeneas managed to hang on through their children's first birthday. It wasn't long after that, though, that they succumbed to the inevitable. After a life well lived, Kito Hodari took her last breath while surrounded by her small family, greeting death like a welcomed friend. Despite never stepping a paw into Amaryllis, it was the blood of her children that drew her spirit to these lands where now she haunts.


April, Year -4 — April, Year 4

Life: Indigo was taken from his family and raised to fight, to be in war. Battling till there were no enemies left to battle. He found mentor that changed his focus and Indigo became a healer for a time. In a twist, Indigo found his sister, River, and decided to stay with her. In those lands he built a life for himself and found love with Siobhan. After the death of his son, Siobhan left the lands and not long after he did as well. They found each other again in Amaryllis and started over with their love. He was a warrior, a General, a King, a brother, a husband, a friend, a father, and a healer.

Death: In an effort to save Siobhan, Indigo fell to his death.


June, Year 3 — October, Year 3


Life: Pyp's life was about romping around, playing games, and vying for his parent's attention.

Death: Pypar had gotten sick at a young age. The respiratory infection had persisted and wouldn't go away. Eventually, he succumbed to the illness and died.


September, Year 2 — December, Year 2


Life: In life, Bijou was an adventurous little beast, convinced she was one day going to take over the world and become Supreme World Ruler. She was sweet, but also very energetic and not very good at obeying the rules. Earnest and always hungry for adventure, the girl never could manage to stay still - and it's this trait that eventually lead to her demise. Nowadays she is a quiet and somber spirit, filled with regret and sadness over the choice she'd made which lead to her death - and to the grief of her family over the loss.

Death: One day, a heavy storm rolled into the Brook. Her parents told her to stay home, but Bijou never had been good at listening - or denying her call to wander. Sitting at home and watching the rain was boring, and so Bijou snuck out of the den and went to play. This decision haunts her, the single largest point of regret the girl has. She strayed further and further from home as she played, and the rain became more and more aggressive. Getting uncomfortable, she sought shelter - only to be badly startled by an animal that had already taken shelter in the roots of a tree she was hoping to hide in. She ran headlong away from it, terrified it would chase her, and kept looking back instead of ahead of her. She wound up running right off a very small cliff - something that a larger, healthier cub, could have easily shaken off. She, however, was too small and too sick to survive the landing.


March, Year 0 — August, Year 0


Life: Her life was so short, but no less precious because of it. She was adored by her parents, Betsy and Tobin, and spent her days running about her father's pride playing with her brother, Deon. All she had was a few short months, not even half a year, to grow and learn before tragedy struck.

Death: Her life was taken by her father's so called best friend and co ruler of the pride, leading her to drifting in the afterlife for some time before she returned to herself, or what counted as a version of herself. She roamed the lands trying to find her family, finally meeting up with a fellow cub by the name of Bahati. She traveled to Amaryllis with him, drawn by a strange pull to the lands. She "woke" in the Scorched Wilds after swearing she heard her father's voice and went looking for him, finally reuniting with him in the afterlife.



May, Year -29 — December, Year -17


Watches Over: Glacier Lake

Life: Raised in a time when her family was ruled by a patriarchy, Valereia proved herself a formidable opposition to their sovereignty. Despite her rightful claim as the first Matriarch, her brother swiftly defied her declaration and was met with mercilessness for his perceived betrayal. When he had formed a coup with other disgruntled males, she roused the party of the clan’s huntresses and made ruthless work of them all. What was left of his children were given the option to live, but only if they pledged fealty to her over his remains.

Death: Valereia went on to lead a long and fierce rulership, her traction having gained either the loyalty of those who were fond of her courage or feared her cruelty. As age seeped into her bones, she maintained herself as best as she could – but ultimately, it was that age that became her undoing. A fatal mistake led to her mortal wounding on the fields of battle and as the efficacy of her healing had slowed, she succumbed to her injuries shortly after returning to her bed.


September, Year 2 — December, Year 2


Watches Over: Stygian Shore

Life: Renozuri was a lion of sinister appetites and cruel intentions, a creature who fed on the suffering of others with ravenous pleasure. His life centered around indulging his own ambitions, unfazed by the harm he caused to fulfill them. By his side were his two wives, Icefang and Nikiri, loyal and fierce, who shielded him as he carried out his dark deeds in secrecy. Renozuri’s cunning allowed him to build a life free from the constraints others faced, bending those around him to his will.

As Patriarch of the X'uekai bloodline, he held his family and followers in a grip of fear and reverence, demanding adoration from those he deemed inferior. His gaze alone was enough to force submission, while his cold authority ensured his legacy remained intact, its roots tangled deep in darkness and intimidation. Renozuri was a ruler who cared little for the concerns of others, wrapped up in the power he wielded and his insatiable hunger for control. Those who crossed his path knew to bow or be broken under the weight of his remorseless reign, for he allowed no defiance to go unpunished.

Death: Though Renozuri led a dark and merciless life, his old age brought him no satisfaction. He despised the idea of withering away, helpless, so he chose Cassius X'uekai as his successor, the next Patriarch of their bloodline. However, Renozuri didn’t step aside gracefully; he presented Cassius with a brutal ultimatum: kill him to claim his place as leader, or die trying. Cassius triumphed, rising as the new head of the family, but the victory came with a steep cost. His kin viewed him with distrust, as if he bore Renozuri’s shadow, and old loyalties to the former Patriarch still lingered, feeding whispers of doubt and resentment.

But Renozuri was not content to remain silent in death. His presence returned as a haunting force, hovering watchfully over his descendants. A chilling reminder of his past control and insatiable drive, Renozuri’s specter unsettles those who remember his tyranny. From the shadows, he observes, ensuring his legacy remains intact. Cassius now holds power but remains burdened by the ghostly scrutiny of a devil who refuses to let go of his influence, his authority a lingering threat even from beyond the grave.


August, Year 4 — July, Year 11


Watches Over: Stygian Shore

Life: Tinúviel lived as tragically as she died. From a young age she was married off to a conqueror from a distant land, and brought to Amaryllis by him and his consort. She was granted her freedom when he left but she remained, forging a new life for herself first in Caladan Cove. Some say it is fate, others say it is underlying ambition that put Tinúviel on the throne of Scilla Lagoon with her sister-queen, Tiamat. But at the height of one's glory, they have much further to fall. Eventually, she fell as a prisoner of Aeistrios Saxe, becoming a pawn in his relentless game.

Death: When she had once more broken the chains of her imprisonment and gained her freedom, her estranged step-son, Luther Rike, challenged for the throne and for her husband's life. As she attempted to flee to safety, a tree fell upon her, ending a life that had been sought by others. Fate, as cruel from her birth as it was at her death, had the final say in Tinúviel's demise.


April, Year 3 — August, Year 11


Watches Over: Ivelum Gardens.

Life: From the moment she was born, Aelynthi knew herself to be blessed by Maua's love and to give it back to others. Her family were natives to the land and throughout her lifetime, Aelynthi fought to protect the land she loved and the friends and family she made along the way. Many knew her to be spiritual and friendly, always willing to go the extra mile for those she cared about. On a long journey outside of the valley, Aelynthi became a most trusted advisor to the Savante family, but particularly to Alexander Savante. For the longest time, she believed she would never have her dreams become reality, to be a mother and to know love -- but in the end, she was given it all in the shape of her sole surviving daughter Anaire.

Death: It came quietly, on a softly storming evening in the summer of year eleven. It is believed that the same sickness that had plagued her family had finally caught up to her in her old age, as it was hereditary. No symptoms or smell of sickness were present on her for the weeks that came before the night of her death. The soft lull of the storms drifted her off into a most gentle, peaceful yet permanent sleep, wrapped around those she cared about most in this world.



February, Year 0 — March, Year 13


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Aquila was of the last generation of Valours born before the fog was lifted by Maua. Among his kin he was one of the most opposed to these new lions arriving. Throughout his life he was constantly both proven correct, and entirely- utterly wrong about them. He found both plenty of friends and enemies, engaging in numerous joyful celebrations and fierce battles. Among them all came his greatest joy, his beloved Caligula who he'll tell you made everything worth it.

Death: In a twist of fate before he died Aquila became the mirror image of that which he so starkly opposed- a wanderer in search of a safe haven for his family beyond Amaryllis. Along his travels he fell ill with bronchitis and some upper respiratory issues. When it became evident he could no longer continue to fight off the illness he gave up his search and returned home before he could grow too weak to do so


October, Year 2 — May, Year 12


Watches Over: N/A Life: After spending his earlier years travelling, Magnus came to settle in Amaryllis as a five year old. Shortly after, he would challenge Drakon for Obsidian Hollows and win. He would spend the next two years ruling the Hollows pride, taking pride members Nadia and Desdemona as his wives, and starting his own legacy with them by his side. Around the same time, his sister Saga and other members of the Sigrún clan would arrive to Amaryllis, and as the family grew, so did their control of the territory. In the height of their power, the Sigrún would also rule Scilla Lagoon - with Magnus and then Saga at its head - and Caladan Cove, ruled by Magnus' younger sister Ulla. With Magnus as their leader and Jarl, the clan made many allies, including the Valour, Greyflood, Miroslav and Hodari families. The arrival of an old enemy - the Rike - would bring with it chaos and disarray for the family; after months upon months of brutal conflict, some of the clan members would pass, and others - including an elderly Magnus - would move on to pastures new, leaving the next generation to make their mark on the archipelago and tackle the family's latest challenges.

Death: Magnus could not rest for long - after being away from Amaryllis for several years, he had a yearning to return. As if something called him. He had the strength to make the journey back, but not enough to find his children and grandchildren; old age would take him before he could reunite with them, and his body would return back to the ocean and back to the sea God - Vellen - that he followed so devoutly. A quiet and subdued death, for a man that had been so loud and violent in life.


June, Year 5 — March, Year 12


Watches Over: All of Aniadar Jungle

Life: Forever seeking acceptance from family that refused to see past their own bloodline, Ludivine came to Amaryllis and almost immediately became at odds with the rest of the Dieudonné. After a death match for matriarchy that sent her into hiding for a year while she healed, she eventually returned once again to carve out a place for herself in the lands, starting with Firnen Rainforest. A family feud that threatened bloodshed was momentarily paused as she took her place as co-matriarch of the family — but the perceived disrespect from the rest of the family never completely healed her blackened heart.

Death: Ludivine came in peace to the borders of her extended family with a gift — the head of the one that had slain her co-matriarch's mate. But after being met with what she considered to be disinterest and disrespect, she hurled violent words their way — and was met with her family's wrath. Two simultaneous death matches occurred: hers, and her sister's. While she was successful in her death match, her sister fell to another family member, who was supposed to be their ally. Enraged, Ludivine challenged her sister's murderer to a death match. Ultimately the strain of two death matches in a row took its toll on her and her opponent got a lucky shot, ending her life.


November, Year 2 — March, Year 12


Watches Over: All of Badlands

Life: Born and raised as the Dieudonné's sword and shield, he lived in servitude as a Dieudonné man should. However, beneath the conforming bows, flowery words and courteous smiles was a scheming fox of a man used to getting his way through subtle manipulations and games. Shortly after coming to Amaryllis, he marries Louve Dieudonné, a woman in whom he sees great ambition. His madness and bloodthirst land him in many battles and wars, carving a fearsome reputation for himself. The potential he sees in his wife is not misguided for she soon rises to the title of Matriarch, placing Apollinaire right where he wanted to be. The most notable of all is his relationship with his children, which he cherished and protected more than anything.

Death: Due to the Dieudonné's diet, insanity lurks within some of the family members. It is especially prevalent in Apollinaire's line. The madness slowly, but surely, consumed him and he died shortly after Ryker came for Wolfbron's throne and Apollinaire failed to kill him. He died twice, in fact, the first time brought back by his daughter Lazare Dieudonné. Ludivine Dieudonné, recently given the title of co-matriarch, kills Ryker instead and brings the proof to the Bluff's doorstep. This sends the recently returned-from-the-dead Apollinaire spiraling and attacking Ludivine. He is left on the brink of death, until his beloved wife, Louve, kills him for his insubordination. He dies a mad King.


September, Year -2 — February, Year 12


Watches Over: All of Celosia Fields

Life: Dero lived a full and eventful life before ever setting foot into Amaryllis. He followed in his family's legacy, finding himself to be a king of a mountainous pride by the time he was three years old. He fell in love with a young woman, Rooney Tolkien, and took her family as his own, even after her untimely death the day their children were born. Being a single father had been difficult, but love did eventually return to the man's life with the arrival of Hanneth Asahi. They went on to lead the mountain pride together for a bit longer before Mother Nature forced their paws. Disaster struck and scattered much of the pride, but some made their way back to old family lands. Dero and Hanneth welcomed numerous children into the world while leading their jungle home before an onslaught of savage rogues forced the family to vacate their home once more. Dero was never quite the same after that, though he tried his best to remain a part of his family's lives once they made it to Amaryllis. He lived a much quieter life in these lands, happy enough to watch the next generation take on the world.

Death: Despite war and disaster, Dero had managed to live to the ripe old age of thirteen years old. His body and mind, however, showed the wear of the years heavily. He'd never fully recovered from the rogues, and often walked with a limp. Over the last couple years of his life, his mind had started to go, shifting between the past and the present. It was on one of these days, the old man thought he was wandering his former mountain kingdom and went searching for a flower for his wife, but his body was not well equipped to take on the harsh weather of the Freeze. When his footing gave way, Dero took a hard tumble down the slopes, likely breaking many a bone in his battered body. It was as the sun set beyond the mountains that he took his last breath. Thanks to Talisa Valour, though, he was welcomed into the afterlife by Maua and granted a place among their immortal.


April, Year 0 — October, Year 11


Watches Over: All of Scarab Dunes

Life: Iofiel has been a habitual inhabitant of Andal Oasis since he had first come to Amaryllis. He would continue to return to the desert pride despite how many times it changed leaders. He remained the one constant figure and maintained his role as Lead Medic despite the shift in leadership. His concern has always been for ensuring the survival of the desert inhabitants.

Death: With thoughts of returning to Andal Oasis he spent his last moments gathering herbs to take back to the desert pride to make certain they would always have a full medical cache even when he isn't present. While harvesting he pauses to enjoy the thunderstorm, as rain is seen as a blessing in the desert, and ends up electrocuted by a bolt of lightning.


September, Year 4 — October, Year 11


Watches Over: All of Badlands

Life: Arriving in Amaryllis as a headstrong yearling, he soon attached himself to the Dieudonné of Wolfbron Bluffs. Over the years, he acted as a soldier for their family, even going so far as to overthrow an enemy pride. He made enemies of the Savante by taking Levana for a wife, but the pair brought seven healthy cubs into the world in defiance of the Savante fertility issues. As a chaotic and impulsive creature, he was involved in many battles and numerous wars, and truly expected to die before he saw his fourth year.

Death: After a surprise attack by a splinter of the Dieudonné which resulted in him losing the Firnen crown, he approached Wolfbron in search of shelter again. Unfortunately, negotiations between himself and Louve broke down, with each believing the other broke the long-standing alliance between Ryker and the Dieudonné. An effort to return and discuss things again instead became an impulsive challenge for the bluffs out of spite, which earned him a kill-on-sight order. Ryker would approach Ludivine after some time, and offer himself in exchange for ensuring his family's safety


October, Year -4 — September, Year 10


Watches Over: All of Grimoire's Labyrinth

Life: Once upon a time, Tobin led a happy life with his wife and children. But when he discovered his closest friend had slain them it set him on a different path. He roamed the lands, testing others to ensure they appreciated their lives and what they had been given by the world. Eventually, he made his way to Amaryllis in the later years of his life, and spent quite a bit of time serving as the advisor of Obsidian Hollow under the rule of Roan Hodari, putting his knowledge and experience to good use for one who he deemed to not need testing, as he was grateful enough.

Death: Time wears inexorably onward, and all things must come to an end. As the leaves faded and fell from the trees, so too did Tobin's life fade. Old age claimed him in the end, a peaceful death in the mountains of the Freeze beside a male, Kovirah, who provided him comfort and companionship in his final hours.


January, Year 1 — May, Year 10


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Gareth's life began with strict teachings and no matter how hard he tried, he was never good enough. Though, when he came to Amaryllis he sought to make a better life and to be better than his father. He lived a life in the Cove for a time but once he met Nymeria Valour, he wanted nothing more than her. Courting her despite knowing that in no way would he ever be deserving of her, he quickly became mates with her and joined her in Vermeda. Beginning a family with her alongside her other mate, Soren. Birthing two children of his blood, and two of Soren's, he saw and experienced the perfect life.

Death: With life comes death, and when Nymeria became sick with the same illness that took her parents from her he was distraught. That sickess ravaged her body from the inside out and when it finally took her, Gareth's own self began to wither. At first, it was confusion and fever before his body began to deteriorate, and quickly. Without her constant presence in his life, knowing she was somewhere he couldn't quite reach, he was determined (and disoriented enough) to get to her and in a moment of delusion saw one of his closest friends as his deceased wife and she lovingly gave him the only wish he ever wanted - to be by her side once more.


December, Year 8 — July, Year 9


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Cordi was born to Aquila and Caligula alongside two siblings as a result of a wisp litter. Though she was born sick, it was believed to be the work of the darker spirits of the land because who would think Maua would take a cub? Her spirit was always bright and lively as a rebellion against her circumstance. At this time, she’s the youngest guardian Amaryllis has.

Death: Cordi was born with something wrong, a sickness that only took 8 months to finally take her life. She struggled for months to breathe, believing she was being hunted by a dark spirit who was after her soul. She passed away amid family and friends in Vermeda Brook as peacefully as one can where Heloise ushered her to the heights of the afterlife.


October, Year 1 — July, Year 9


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Nymeria's family thrived within the lands of Amaryllis for generations, and she was born into her forever-home, Vermeda Brook, on a crisp autumn day. When her parents fell ill and passed, she willingly took up the mantle of both their family and pride - even though, at the time, she did not know everything that would come along with that responsibility. When Maua opened up the gates of Amaryllis to outsiders, Nymeria’s life transformed permanently and she embarked on a swirling tale of change, love, duty, and loss. However, throughout all of the highs and the lows she valued one thing above all else — her family. Nothing else really mattered so long as Nymeria had them, and she devoted her life to honouring and protecting them the best that she could.

Death: Unfortunately, after losing Vermeda Brook in a fight that required months of recovery, Nymeria began suffering from a terrible illness - the same one that had taken the lives of her parents, all those years ago. Overcome with guilt, she chose to hide herself away in order to protect her kin, despite how much she knew it would hurt to do so. It was only when the Matriarch was nearing the end that she found her way back to them, allowing her to pass in the tender, warm embraces of those that she loved most.


January, Year 0 — April, Year 8


Watches Over: All of Stygian Shore

Life: She was born to a traditional, religiously fanatical family that worshipped a sea god. She took the devotion to new levels and proved herself a dedicated Sigrún time and time again. Saga rose to be the leader of their family after rising to lead the Lagoon when her brother, Magnus, stepped away. She lived her life for vengeance on the Rike family and successfully killed three of them before her own death. At the time of writing this, she is the only character on Amaryllis to have been in three deathmatches and to have won each one. She was a cold and selfish woman, often times even when her family and mate were concerned, but her passion ran deep and Saga Sigrún was full of more love than most realized - she simply wielded it differently.

Death: She was killed by Alaric Starke after murdering his wife, Erna Rike during a war. While watching the cataclysmic events of year 8, the Mire King took advantage and delivered a crushing blow to her spine before the earth crumpled beneath her and thrust her into the sea. Saga washed up on the Stygian Shore and was mercy killed by her mate, Hákon Skagos, after saying her goodbyes to her family.


October, Year 2 — February, Year 8


Watches Over: All of Aniadar Jungle

Life: Erna Rike was born in a harsh and unforgiving household, her family raised her to be a fighter, a weapon, and a hound. Throughout her life, her insecurities drove her to reach higher, and although she was met with defeat more often than not, she continued to push onward. Erna marched into war from the moment she stepped into Amaryllis. Here she met her husband and soon after the father of her children, Alaric Starke. "Alaric was king, yes, but Erna was his jaws." The Rike woman was a banshee, lacking love towards even her own children.

Death: She was not born to live long. The Rike-Sigrun feud took many casualties through the many, many years and Erna Rike was one of them. An old adversary, Saga Sigrun, stepped into Erna's then-home Ecrosia Mire and the home of her husband and children, declaring war upon her and her kin. In a bloody death match, the two fought until they could both no longer stand. Death came for both Saga and Erna. While the Sigrun then-Jarl was saved, Erna had lost too much blood albeit her husband's best attempts to whisk her away from the light.


January, Year 2 — June, Year 6


Watches Over: All of Freyr Peak

Life: Valhalla Brynmawr was a man of honor and war. He followed the teachings that his father engrained in his mind, defending the weak and always standing up for what he believed in. He was overall liked by many within Amaryllis, but that didn’t mean he didn’t make enemies. Even though he had a rebellious and rocky relationship with Maua he never doubted Them.

Death: He died doing what he believed in. He had come to a death match between Aquila and Sangria, which in turn caused for Ismae, a Firnen resident, to spring into action and declare death upon the Viking.


February, Year -4 — February, Year 4


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Father Valour lived a life of strict spiritual belief and wisdom. Adored by friends and family, he cherished each and every soul that crossed through their doorstep. Over eight years, he fell in love twice to two beautiful women: Lucretia & Varinia. Fathered seven children, most of which were predominantly female (yikes) with one son.

Death: Nearing his eight birthday, he fell awfully sick alongside his wife, Lucretia. It was after her death that things really went downhill and within a month, he took his final breath in order to see her in the beyond.


July, Year -7 — August, Year 0


Watches Over: The Pit

Life: Banshee's life was violent and filled with death. She cared for no one, and no one cared for her. She lived life based on her whims, and her bloodthirsty nature often caused others to suffer at her paws. Her bitterness towards those that wronged her eventually caused her to have a feud with a fearsome family, the Dieudonné. Ironically, the only one strong enough to eventually capture her black heart was in fact a Dieudonné — and from their union sprang a wealth of children, caught between their familial war. Even Banshee's children were not spared from her wrath, whom she trained to follow in her footsteps to war against her enemies.

Death: She died as she lived, on the battlefield. After having started and led a war against her enemies, she was eventually felled in battle after the toll of fighting several death matches in a row wore her defenses down. She was killed by a Dieudonné as revenge for having killed several of their own previously, and her heart was taken as their prize.


June Y1 — April Y13


Watches Over: All of Stygian Shore

Life: The founding High Sovereign of Caladan Cove, Jewel carved a space for herself and her family in Amaryllis. She found a forever-mate in Vysemala, and the two weathered many storms together with their children. She ruled multiple prides, and made many friends along the way. An accomplished warrior, Jewel fought countless battles winning and losing as she did. Despite the prides she lived in, the Ocean always called to something within her.

Death: Despite her friends and family, Jewel returned to Amaryllis and died alone in the shores of the beach that she had known from the beginning. A silent soul staring out at the ocean she had often fallen asleep to. A soft, easy death for the hard battle-worn lady gone in her sleep lulled for the last time by gulls and the roar of the waves.


February Y0 — June Y13


Watches Over: All of Amethyst Grove

Life: Caligula came to Amaryllis during the mass Exodus. Though he had lost a great number of things because of the Exodus he gained even more than he had lost. Cailgula found the greatest love of his life, Aquila. Together they left behind a legacy of 8 children together with Aquila also acting as a father figure to Caligula's older children.

Death: Worried about his mate as Aquila hadn't returned from the Summit Caligula makes the journey to find out what happened to him. This trip was never completed as he drifted into eternal slumber in the midst of Amethyst Grove.


October, Year 2 — August, Year 8


Watches Over: Badlands

Life: Kieran was born far away from Amaryllis in seclusion, learning about the ways of the Dieudonné and devoting his life to their cause. When he first arrived, he pledged himself to the family and fought many battles in their name, taking Amara to wife, and making more enemies than he did allies. He was part of the first successful usurpation, and stood diligently with Vermier and Amara through the Lagoon and Bluffs. He went on to sire four cubs, two of which continue to thrive and make names for themselves. He had become known as the Dieudonné dog, ever their most fervent protector.

Death: Kieran died doing what he was best known for, fighting for the protection of his family. He had encountered a rogue trespassing in their lands and, despite his best efforts, was finally felled in the wake of his past lingering injuries and the strife from the natural disasters happening concurrently.


May, Year 6 — June, Year 13


Watches Over: Ivelum Gardens

Life: Miaran's life was marked by violence from her childhood in the Mob, where she tormented family and peers alike, earning the title Executioner. Multiple betrothals ended in death, until Claude appeared and challenged her perceptions. Their struggle to have cubs resulted in two sickly offspring, condemned to die too soon. In a moment of anger and grief after Claude fathered another litter, she killed his new cubs.

Her world shattered further when she killed her Matriarch and father in a fit of rage over a new betrothal, leading to her exile. In her solitude, she eventually crossed paths with Amaryllis, sparking a transformation..

Death: Miaran's tumultuous life led her to seek self-reclamation during her Exile. In Amaryllis, she forged more enemies than friendships, with allies often turning traitorous.

After losing her crown, she faced betrayal, ultimately being cast out of Vermeda by her family in violence, manipulated by Renozuri. On the night of her cubs' birth, her family shattered her trust, threatening her and her newborns, forcing her to flee.

Stricken by grief and betrayal, she sought revenge against Karsa, a lion linked to her many enemies. Her call was answered by Kvare, who defeated the anguished Miaran. Her life ended in chaos as she embraced Death, hoping to reunite with the children she had to bury years before.


October, Year 1 — August, Year 13


Watches Over: All of Aniadar Jungle

Life: Born into the mystical Saucier family, Heloise was raised to eventually take her mother's place as Voodoo Queen. That came earlier than expected, as a ritual gone awry caused her mother to have to cede the title. And then, their world was thrown upside-down. The lands of Amaryllis opened to outsiders, and strangers came pouring in. They claimed her family's ancestral home, forcing the Saucier to flee the Mire, placing a curse on the lands that thrived for years thereafter, and Heloise herself to take up residence in the Brook with the Valour. There she lived for many more years, a voice for the spirits of the land and, sometimes, the lands themselves.

Death: Luther Rike took up the mantle of leadership in the Mire, and with him came the Hexenjäger. Heloise ran into one of their members after the war in the Lagoon, and Ragnhild recognized her as a witch. Though Heloise won the resulting battle on the shore, her injuries were too great for her to escape and she was hauled back to the Mire, the place of her birth, for her execution, her life coming full circle.

This page was updated on: January 2, 2025