Waiting for a response from @Mairan that may or may not come Reti forced his breaths to remain slow, steady, by will alone stuffing his devil back from the edges of its cage of self control.
He had to remain ... reasonable. For the moment. Going into any request for answers letting anger control his tone and actions - would taint the whole point of giving a chance for explanations. Reti could NOT allow his control to slip. The mask must not fall here.
Mosrael's arrival was noticed, he worried not about her but a tad for her if things got out of hand. @
Karsa 's arrival however soothed any flicker of concern for the leopard should violence erupt. Reti returned the nod of greeting, his lips slightly tight and lacking the usual upward curve.
Thella ♔ approached him and Reti, taking note of her presence, shifted slightly and looked at the grey lioness allowing a faint smile to touch his expression for a moment before growing serious again.
"I don't. Unfortunately." his tail twitched slightly a few times behind his ankles
"If I did, perhaps I would know what the hell this is about." his voice was level, quiet, calm. Partly to keep himself level, and partly for her benefit. His weight shifts slightly as she sits beside him, subconsciously adopting a guardian stance.
Aphrodite made her arrival known by approaching and brushing against him, taking the spot at his free side. His muscles twitched where she touched his side, a sign of his internal agitation but he did not reject her presence or the greeting. What did happen however was the inward curling of his toes and extended claws flexed into the hard packed ground beneath through shear force.
'You looked troubled.'
He forced his exhale to be slow, and took a breath in before turning his head slightly to regard his friend with darkened jewels, a shadowy fire beginning to light in the depths.
"Because I am. Quite actually." did she honestly not know why? Perhaps it had yet to occur to the dark lioness, so he would speed up the realization.
"I was Hollows leader for quite some time Aphrodite. A member far longer. I care for her members. I consider a few as personal friends. Including Alexander. This -" he gestured with a sharp jerk of his jaws towards the battle while not taking his eyes off Aphrodite
"...is rather pissing me off. You know, more than anyone, what my friends are to me." it was personal. As a friend, she knew by now what he would do for those he had a fondness towards. And he would do to those who screwed with them.
He was not yelling at her. This was...an explanation. This was him aiming to make his position and feelings extremely clear. He could not help the edge of anger beneath the words, but he was fighting to keep it controlled.
"Did you know this was going to happen?" a pause and then he began a vital explanation
"I spoke to @Miaran , did she tell you about our understanding regarding the Hollows? She knows I -" he did not have time to finish before the Cove High Sovereign in question made an entrance.
Reti's slightly narrowed gaze captured and held Miaran's glare, the faint fire lit within stoking to a blaze for a moment as his ears slicked back fully - but were still fully capable of hearing her words. Jaws clenched as the warrior's gaze flicked from the angry lioness, to the battling challenger, and then back to rest on Miaran.
Well that was one vital answer out of the way. The High Sovereign had not condoned this. But was it too late to knock this stamped of its course regardless? They would soon see.
"Compris. Vous devez agir pour contrôler cela rapidement." (Understood. You need to act to control this quickly.) it was almost unheard of for him to use French in a public setting, yet he would use it for the first part of his response before flipping to English - for the benefit of those near him, and all those no doubt now watching and listening to the Cove High Sovereign.
"So you didn't know. I thought so." this made far more sense than a random heal turn to starting crap with the ONE group he had asked her not to do so with.
"If your lion wins, make it right by releasing her to her family immediately. Perhaps the situation might be salvaged." Reti was then slightly startled when Miaran turned her anger onto Aphrodite.
Had Aphro given permission for this, or had the lion acted free of blessing? Reti figured he would find out shortly. However it would be a lie if Reti said he felt nothing seeing one wife snap at the other - deep inside the fallen god loathed it when mates were at odds, especially ones he was fond of and therefore wanted to see...happy.
More were arriving, he was aware. But his gaze was fixed on the ruling pair in front of him, standing in what he hopped was a comforting guardian position next to Thella - and trying to gauge the mood of the crowd primarily by sound.
Lagertha entered the immediate bubble of Reti's vision and his gaze flicked to the lioness, taking in the cove scent on her coat and the question posed.
'Keep our name out of your mouth.'
The snarling voice, familiar in tone and fury resonates drawing a softly exhaled 'shit'.
"Ne laissez pas cela devenir incontrôlable. Elle est violente et importante." (Don't let this get out of hand. She is violent and important.) the words were soft, pitched as warning advice for Miaran's ears.
If the unknown (to him) cove lioness snapped back with more towards the Savante, or worse attacked there 'blood mother' than this would likely slip beyond true salvaging. Miaran and Aphrodite could not truly control what actions their members took, but they could give orders - an official stance - something to try and slow the spiraling energy.
Levana 's words caused Reti's gaze to flick over and rest on the familiar lioness and occasional ally he had a friendly air with so far. Great. Another pebble of complication to add to this growing cairn.
He had no authority here pride wise, could not step up to try and resolve the problem himself. The extent of Reti's influence only rested on whatever weight friends and allies gave to his words. And what he could do with the strength of his blows when necessary.
'MY husband! Will have his chance to explain himself!' 'Please..'
Ah. Well. That explained .... SO MUCH. Reti could not restrain the sighing exhale. Good. Gods.
A great motivator. Healer. And inevitable destroyer.
Well if he were to entertain optimism for a moment Reti would feel relief and see a path to resolution.
But he was not a fool.
The odds were tipped more towards violence and tension. HIs instinct said this would get worse before getting better. However. Reti would hope to be proven wrong, and stand ready to do what he felt necessary if proven right.