She stands with @
Sébastien, her favorite ghoul, as the little impromptu begins over the grisly memento. His quiet French is answered with a curious look, a sly smile curling her lips.
Je ne pense pas que je veuille essayer. I don't think I want to try. she does not regret pulling apollinaire from the depths of his grave, but he was whole. This man-- or what was left of him-- was.... not.
Idly, though, she wonders if she could.
That thought is whisked away, feeling the tense, trembling energy of apollinaire behind her. She turns to look at him but their eyes do not meet; he is staring, only, at the remnants of thr skull. Something
itches at her brain when she sees the expression upon his face, but she puts it aside when the woman from the rainforest begins speaks. Her explanation is meager but probably true. The man who's head was here hardly seemed the terrible enemy they made him out to be, though-- apollinaire had ultimately lived, had he not? Was reaching for a crown such a terrible thing? Idly, her gaze flicks to louve before it shifts back to the other matriarch.
oh. LUDIVINE is angry, and the other woman with her is too. Ears tip forward curiously to see it, and inwardly she's almlst... pleased that it's being directed at louve. There's smug satisfaction in seeing that even if it does not last long. It vanishes, like a candle being snuffed out, to see @
Apollinaire leap forward. And yet.... she understands. There is no fear in her chest at the sight of papá leaping towards the jaws of death again, only a burning sort of
pride. it is what he wants, and therefore he is allowed to do it; no longer is apollinaire dieudonné a chained hound for them to call to heel. If he was a dog, then he has finally slipped his bounds, and he was free to be as rabid as his heart told him to.
And lazare loves him for it.
Clearly, the others do not feel the same. Elaine snaps at him and tells him to stand down and lazare snarls, even as the ghoul at her side moves away to go scold the
others. She does not care about that at the moment ( though she might, if her little aunts dared to harm him ); instead, her gaze lingers on the fight. Her father's fight, because he is what matters. She notes, belatedly, that her grandmother throws herself at the other bristling cousin, but what was a grandmother compared to papá?
Lazare dieudonné looks away from this fight just once.
once. and it is to look at @
Louve as she vows to anyone listening:
il paiera pour son crime ears tick forward, strangely calm amongst the exploding chaos. Oh?
oh? was that so? Quietly, carefully, she unfolds herself and rises to her feet-- her skinny, angular form looking
sharp for once instead of just slight. A switchblade kept sheathed, for now, but even a hidden blade begets more blood.
It is strange, the way the other bluff members gather to louve's side. They needle and beg, clearly seeking instructions from a woman who would not give them. There was no price to power, she'd said, long ago in a dark graveyard, and here the matriarch will learn just how wrong she is. Edging closer to the fray she seeks to settle back at SÉBASTIEN's side though she says nothing to him. She does not even look at him. She is looking only at apollinaire, and so lazare sees the exact moment that his fight is over. And so lazare sees the exact moment that he
loses, again. And--
She lets out a shaky exhale, something close to
relief.There is a moment, of course, where the world seems to stop. He does not offer any last words, not like the last time. He does not seek her eyes, not like last time. Instead the world seems to freeze and immediately, on reflex, she steps forward. She can save him.
she can save him again. again, and again, and again. However many times he wanted, however many times he needed. But-- lazare stops herself. She pauses, caught in that half-moment between heartbeats, where apollinaire is still alive and louve is
still silent. She looks at her mother, noting the sovereign's inaction. Noting that it was the very same inaction that had left lazare bereft any sort of
reward for saving her husband before. Noting that it was the
very fucking same inaction that had plagued their family since the day she was born. Lazare looks at her mother, and stops. Digs her toes into the soil as ludicrous shouts her own vile, her anger a strange match to the emotion buzzing in her veins.
Death was not the end, she knows; she'd learned that much by now. But she would not give life again so easily, not when it'd been thrown back in her face again and again. Apollinaire bleeds out here and she does nothing to stop it, and yet there is nothing close to grief in her chest. Death is not the end; today will just be a new beginning.
And Lazare dieudonné smiles, sharp and keen.