the gilded arrow
woman of the
w o o d s
woman of the
w o o d s
➤ nymeria vs. lacramioara — for romah (dominance) — pending
the woman moves slowly across the outer edge of the brook, pushing onwards until she reaches the gentle, calming atmosphere of the glade. the air is fresh, and is enough to push her forward still upon wide, bouncing strides, until a swirled shape slips into the outskirts of her vision. nymeria veres casually towards him, chest rumbling in a soft sound of arrival, before she calls out to towards the rogue figure. "looking for something?"
<div style="width: 475px; margin: auto; background-color: #; background-size: contain; border-left: 0px solid #000; border-right: 0px solid #000;""><div style="margin: 20px 20px 20px 20px; padding: 10px; line-height: 16px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .75pt; color: #; text-align: justify;">text <span style="font-style: italic; font-family: georgia; text-transform: lowercase; color:#; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px;">"speech"</span>
today, she forces herself to retreat beyond the borders of her pride, out into the open world in hopes that, perhaps, something exciting waited for her out within the day's embrace. constantly did nymeria float between uncertainty and reservation, unsure how to handle the flocks of foreigners, or what the proper course of action would need to be taken moving forward. especially considering that the fog was starting to lift more rapidly than it had before, and now sat perched upon the very cusp of vermeda's borders. it was only a matter of time before their quiet, idyllic home would be exposed, open for prying eyes and curious souls. she dreaded it, silently, but knew that there was little she could do to stop maua's whims or planning. "speech"
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky porchetta kevin, burgdoggen spare ribs swine hamburger short ribs. Pork drumstick rump cow landjaeger shank ball tip. Ball tip tri-tip tail chuck ham capicola cow bresaola flank sirloin jerky fatback. “Gareth.” Filet mignon capicola fatback chicken doner shank shankle ribeye spare ribs ham hock chuck frankfurter sausage. Chislic pork chop t-bone pork belly sausage landjaeger burgdoggen rump andouille fatback. Hamburger shoulder kielbasa t-bone jowl sirloin pancetta ground round shank.
Tail burgdoggen pork belly, alcatra chuck t-bone ground round corned beef filet mignon sausage cow pork loin beef short loin. Filet mignon ham hock alcatra turducken tail bresaola short loin. “Nymeria.” Pancetta spare ribs pastrami chuck swine turducken short loin landjaeger burgdoggen pork loin brisket ham chislic alcatra meatloaf. Leberkas pork chop jerky brisket, t-bone strip steak buffalo beef salami. Andouille chicken kielbasa, shankle burgdoggen rump tenderloin landjaeger pancetta bacon leberkas boudin pastrami pork chop fatback. Swine pork belly tail, pancetta rump cupim shankle picanha chicken meatloaf hamburger burgdoggen.
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<p>text <font style="font-family: 'EB Garamond'; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic; color: #9aaebe;">"speech"</font> .</p></div></div><small><center><SUP>TABLE MANIP BY MONO, CODING BY DUSK</sup></center></small></center>
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it does not take the trio long to find the ebony man sprawled amongst the trees, his body worn and battered, with fatigue evident as it sewed itself across his features and twisted along the contour of his complexion. the woman maintained a calm exposure, her eyes soft as she watchesd the brief union between blood unfold, before the attention shifted in her direction. "hello dero, my name is nymeria. i heard that you've had quite the journey - we'll get you patched up now, hm?" the druid assured upon warm, honeyed tones, casting a glance towards both @Hanneth and @Ademt and nodding at their offers of assistance. no, dero would not die today, not if nymeria had anything to say about it. slowly now would the vermedan look to draw herself a few feet closer, eyes peering down across the man's form as she registered the scent of infection and the breadth of his injuries, feeling as though she was beginning to understand the trauma that these people had endured during their exodus. "would you mind if i took a closer look?" she would inquire then, pausing where she stood, as she sought dero's approval before invading his personal space.
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