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September Y13
Though the air is still warm and the sun is bright, the summer is beginning to wane and, with it, the humidity has started to die down. It is a welcomed relief for the inhabitants of the jungle, as more moderate weather will mean that the rainforest will not feel quite as stifling, as well as those from the desert, who's early autumn will see calm winds and mild nights. For the rest of the peninsula, the change in seasons will be gradual, hinting towards the colder months that are soon to come.
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Amaryllis' discovered prides
But....why though?
07-25-2021, 08:40 PM
Hanneth Hodari
Hanneth was out looking for herbs and had found a few that she knew would be helpful. She felt good about the outing and was heading back to the Mire when she heard the sounds a child screaming. With her herbs in her mouth, she sprinted toward the sounds. She didn't know what she would find but after seeing what could happen to a cub here she feared the worse. Her fears were answered as she came into see a cub being attacked by a lioness and Nym and someone she didn't know attacking the lioness. Hanneth had no fighting skills but hoped that the lioness would drop the cub so she could grab her and get out of here. LET HER GO! She screamed at the attacker. Her eyes watching everything unfolding in front of her.
Line art by Adoptadpoles | Image and table code by Amanda
07-25-2021, 09:04 PM
Tyne liked the shadows of her life. Not much was happening for her and in many ways she felt alone since her sister had to leave. The lioness walked along slowly until she caught sight of a cub leaving. That was odd. She didn't pick up her pace but did start toward the cub slowly. Still minding her own and not really looking to become a baby sitter. Still the sounds of young cries followed by her ruler's voice calling stop was enough to push her into a full run. She got there and quickly took in everything as she ran closer. The target was the lioness with the cub in her mouth. Zulema was on her left and Nym was on the right. Tyne adjusted her approach so she would charge toward the lioness's ribcage. The brown girl held nothing back as she leaped and attempted to claw both sets of claws into the lioness's back at the spine. When her back legs found the ground she would use them to steady herself. At the same time, she snarled and attempted to bite at the rib cage. She didn't have a clue who the cub was but clearly, Nym thought it was worth risking getting hurt for.
Tyne & @Zulema & @Nymeria vs. @Lacramioara
for Dominance
1 of 3
Tyne & @Zulema & @Nymeria vs. @Lacramioara
for Dominance
1 of 3
Rolling 5d20: 15 + 4 + 12 + 16 + 1
Rolling 3d20: 17 + 4 + 6
Image by Dusk | Code by Ice
All natives in VB can know Tyne's listed history in her profile.
07-25-2021, 09:36 PM
There was pain, and there was not much else. The child screamed louder when she started to get shaken vigorously - when the bones in her leg stretched, twisted and snapped worse. The terrified sounds died out as if a lightswitch had been turned off as the pain was finally too much for the childs already overburdened brain. She dangled limply, combination of shaking and having her rear limb mangled leaving her no more than a limp sack of flour
Truthfully, she could have been eaten and wouldn't have cared - she wouldn't have noticed. But, there was a determined heart in the child and it beat steadily - if at a fast pace within her breast.
//Unconscious - PP perms by anyone! :elmofire://
Truthfully, she could have been eaten and wouldn't have cared - she wouldn't have noticed. But, there was a determined heart in the child and it beat steadily - if at a fast pace within her breast.
//Unconscious - PP perms by anyone! :elmofire://
07-30-2021, 12:14 PM
This content might touch on topics that are sensitive or triggering for some readers. Trigger Warning for mentions of attempted child murder, cannibalism, and cruelty to a child
Oh, so NOW they cared for the child hm? Now that it was too late for the useless little lump to be saved. As far as she was aware in that moment, the sudden limpness between her tightened jaws was a sign that her vigorous shaking had done it's job. The command of the foreign, rather plain-looking woman did little to slow her down or deter her escape... At least at first.
Her graceful gait faltered as her hips were clawed into, nearly tripping over her back paws in that instant and letting out a furious growl beneath the scrap of dangling fur- maybe a little bit surprised at how quickly the woman had caught up to her. She inwardly scolded herself for not picking up the damn pace. But she held herself steady and continued to flee deeper into the shadowed woodland.
It wasn't until another woman appeared to be charging towards her that her plans were forced to change. And then, another emerged from the other side. Each of them were looking to lay their undeserving paws on her, for their own neglect of the child they'd let slip away. The fucking nerve! Anger boiled up in her belly as the menagerie quickly encroached her and her quarry. Another woman's voice could be heard wailing in the distance, somewhere in the sudden chaos.
All this for a child that was as good as dead. What a joke... Too bad it wasn't all that funny.
Hungry and arrogant as she was- she wasn't stupid. Three, possibly four lionesses were now against her, and not in the way she would have preferred. A measly scrap of flesh wasn't worth the trouble of holes poked into her pelt. The women surrounding her were now nothing more than a flock of hyenas stealing her well earned meal. Annoying, but still an adversary to a lone lioness such as herself.
"You want her?" She crowed with much vitriol on her silvered tongue. No time was given for anybody to reply to her wit, before she spun around on her back leg and slung the child out. Attempting to have the dead-weighted corpse hopefully slap one if not all of their faces, before letting go of the mangled foot and letting the scrap land wherever gravity so took her. At the same time, one of the woman had succeeded in getting her paw over the back of her neck- another clashing into her ribs. She wasn't one for panicking, the wheels and her mind simply began to spin faster.
Forfeiting her defenses for the moment, she attempted to duck out of the red woman's attempted grasp. The feeling of teeth gashing her breast raised her lip even further than it already was after depositing her prey, finding the pointed face that did it and attempting to headbutt her out of her way.
Optimally she would disappear into the shadows of the forest, before any more damage could be done to her elegant pelt. The scratches and bites on her were already enough to piss her off, leaving her with something to bitch and moan about later.
Lacramioara is attempting to escape! (1/3)
Rolling 1d10: 5
07-30-2021, 03:30 PM
there is nothing that surged her forward but the drive of maternal instincts and the tight, icy grip of cold-blooded fear, ignited across her chest as she threw herself forward in pursuit of @Lacramioara. but, much to nymeria's surprise (and relief), she was not on her own for very long. because there, from the bushes, like an explosion of movement and ravaging intent, came a series of bodies -- @Zulema, @Tyne, and even @Hanneth entered the druid's peripheral, and even though nymeria had been somewhat successful in faltering the rogue's gait, her attention remained solely on @romah.nymeria is removing herself from the fighting to get romah
and so, when the attacker spun and sent the limp body of the babe flying, nymeria had no other choice that to retreat from her advancements and rush in the direction that she had been flung. no matter where, or who, she hit on the way down, the valour was there in an instant, attempt to pluck her from the cold earth, before looking to swell a few eeet of distance between them and the ongoing onslaught. she knew that zulema and tyne were more than capable of finishing what had been started -- and in the meantime, nymeria would take the opportunity to quickly assess the babes wounds, knowing that she would need immediate treatment if she wanted to survive.
07-31-2021, 01:41 PM
It would be appear that the Brook was not in short supply of force as @Tyne joined into the fray that she could immediately see. There was a brief connection to someone shouting but she couldn't begin to think about what it had been. Instead, focused entirely on destroying this lioness' life for what they had attempted to do. While @Lacramioara was able to move out of her grasp, Zulema was not content to let this cretin not suffer the consequences. As the woman pivoted to try and escape, Zulema sprung into action. Keeping as little distance between them as possible and keeping the momentum, attempting to pull her right foreleg forward so that she might trip or unbalance the lioness that had thrown her baby sister so carelessly. To consider her sister already dead hadn't been an option so this monster was going to pay for their crimes.
Zulema & Tyne vs. Lacramioara
for Dominance
2 of 3 !!
for Dominance
2 of 3 !!
Rolling 5d20: 5 + 6 + 13 + 2 + 7
Rolling 7d20: 6 + 14 + 13 + 19 + 9 + 8 + 4
table by ferus, art by munk
08-03-2021, 05:12 PM
She really didn't know what had started this or why the lioness she was now attacking had decided to attack a cub but it seemed important and so she was here. She was surprised that the lioness just tossed the cub aside so carelessly but Nym left the fight to care for her. Now it was just the two of them vs the lioness. Tyne wasn't a huge fan of uneven fights like this but it was clear that the lioness had wanted to cause harm and that could mean she could try such with them. The lioness tried to get away and Tyne would attempt to dig her claws in deeper into her back and attempts to pull her back while digging her back legs into the ground to aid her with her attempt to stop the female.
{Tyne & @Zulema vs. @Lacramioara
for Dominance
2 of 3
{Tyne & @Zulema vs. @Lacramioara
for Dominance
2 of 3
Rolling 5d20: 9 + 13 + 11 + 8 + 1
Rolling 3d20: 5 + 3 + 7
All natives in VB can know Tyne's listed history in her profile.
08-05-2021, 09:38 AM
The cocky dame smirked as at least one of the women fell away from her, but it wasn't to last very long at all. The red bitch had managed to throw her arm under her legs and topple her, finally unbalancing the Munteanu and sending her into a roll. All the while, falling beneath the other woman whose claws still lodged painfully in her back. A loud and furious roar escaped her chest, attempting to briefly whip around on the brown one and lash her overly-extended claws right at the maiden's pretty faded face. She'd make it ugly with her own personal set of knives, if she could so help it.
But even with that petty thought in mind, she wasn't looking to stay long enough to see if she'd succeeded in that. Her attempt was to strike out at the woman and shock her, enough to be able to once again try and escape the fray.
Lacramioara is attempting to escape! (2/3)
Rolling 1d10: 4
08-10-2021, 04:55 PM
08-12-2021, 01:51 PM