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July Y13
Summer is in full swing now, with clear skies, warm nights, and ample sunshine! As such, the deserts begin to grow dry, the shores remain a blissful escape, the north is spared with cooling winds, and humidity continues to rise in the jungle. Rain and storms are long forgotten troubles by now, which is both a virtue and a vice during the heat of the season.
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Amaryllis' discovered prides
Outlaw Bands
outside the law
You and I, we can dance
01-06-2024, 07:18 PM
The Night air is far from still, quite the opposite. It stirs with life, a deep echo weaving itself like a tapestry that takes root over everywhere the natures song touches. It does not wait for the chords to be plucked to play it's evening crescendo of insects, the snap of a twig, the whisper of a summer breeze. It's almost peaceful, save for the lioness prowling it's reverent domain. The lilac lioness a washed in shadow with every step as she maneuvers slowly, deftly with a purpose among the gnarled branches just vying for a touch. Somewhere, it's here somewhere and Reverie knows it. Her whiskers giving a delicate twitch while the womans chest rolls with a purr; she can smell it, she's sure of it... but just where was it hiding?
code by corvus
01-26-2024, 08:18 PM
+5 Collect herbs
+5 Study the flora of a neutral territory
Night was the perfect time to find her out and about, mostly because her pelt blended in so well with the shadows. Granted, the rest of her glowed under the moonlight, but that was fine. She supposed it was odd for others to see, a skeleton of sorts wandering around. It amused her to think of, honestly.
Currently, she wasn't amused, because she simply could not find what she was looking for. Such was the trouble of looking for a specific white flowered plant in an area with three different kinds, and a two thirds chance of grabbing something dangerous instead of what one wanted. She'd seen plenty of horse chestnut and angel's trumpet, but none of the white weed she was seeking.
Patience was a virtue, though, and one it seemed she shared with another who was wandering about. She could tell she wasn't alone just by the sounds of the forest, and she kept the other woman in the corner of her eye as she roamed, her path drawing them inexorably closer together.
+5 Study the flora of a neutral territory
Night was the perfect time to find her out and about, mostly because her pelt blended in so well with the shadows. Granted, the rest of her glowed under the moonlight, but that was fine. She supposed it was odd for others to see, a skeleton of sorts wandering around. It amused her to think of, honestly.
Currently, she wasn't amused, because she simply could not find what she was looking for. Such was the trouble of looking for a specific white flowered plant in an area with three different kinds, and a two thirds chance of grabbing something dangerous instead of what one wanted. She'd seen plenty of horse chestnut and angel's trumpet, but none of the white weed she was seeking.
Patience was a virtue, though, and one it seemed she shared with another who was wandering about. She could tell she wasn't alone just by the sounds of the forest, and she kept the other woman in the corner of her eye as she roamed, her path drawing them inexorably closer together.
03-09-2024, 09:48 PM
Spirit or demi? Reverie is not certain she is either. The lioness catches her attention out of the corner of her eye and Reverie stops in her tracks, not realizing sooner just how much of the gap had closed between her and this stranger. Ah, but Reverie is not hunting alone, is she? "Your prize, what is it?" What do you seek?
The question drips from her lips like smooth velvet, nonchalantly almost as if it were but an ordinary every day matter. But it wasn't - at least not for Reverie. However, in this case, a barter might be made if @Heloise could point her in the right direction and vice versa. The lilac woman is more reluctant to offer up her prey; lest the shadow and bone maiden know it well enough and ask why she was looking for it... She could be mistaken of course, some just enjoyed the night - the leisurely stroll and quiet.
The question drips from her lips like smooth velvet, nonchalantly almost as if it were but an ordinary every day matter. But it wasn't - at least not for Reverie. However, in this case, a barter might be made if @Heloise could point her in the right direction and vice versa. The lilac woman is more reluctant to offer up her prey; lest the shadow and bone maiden know it well enough and ask why she was looking for it... She could be mistaken of course, some just enjoyed the night - the leisurely stroll and quiet.
code by corvus
03-10-2024, 09:44 AM
The other drew ever closer to her, until she finally spoke to her and Heloise turned her attention to the woman with a faint smile. It was an almost cryptic question, but Heloise was quite used to that.
It be white weed,she replied.
I be findin' a lot of angel's trumpet and horse chestnut, but none of dat.Plenty of white flowered plants indeed.
Ye be lookin' for something?she asked in return, plenty willing to help out with looking for something in return, regardless of what it might be. She didn't judge those who looked for poisons after all. Though it was entirely possible this woman was out here for another reason that she didn't know.
03-11-2024, 05:40 PM
White weed. The manner in which @Heloise speaks is something of a oddity for Rev. Granted she'd heard many accents and dialects, broken tongue was not often among them. The last man she'd crossed paths with using similar words hadn't exactly been friendly; but neither had she. The plant in question however wasn't used for nefarious means that the lilac woman could recall and briefly her nose scrunches - pondering if she'd seen some nearby or not. "There was a clearing a little ways back south, but it looks like a boar mad a mess of much of it...." At least it smelled like a pig. "You might be able to salvage a few." She muses honestly before giving a shake of her head. "Ah there's one... the leaves are a bit spindly and fanned with some red seeds on them." This place had looked idea for it's growth but it seemed the crabs eye did not want to be found.
code by corvus
03-12-2024, 02:48 PM
Dat be better dan nothing,Heloise replied, for even trampled surely she could put the herbs to some use. Something was better than the nothing she currently had. Ugh, such a pain it was having to regather her herbs and replant her garden, and she honestly wasn't sure how easy that was going to be in the sandy terrain of the lagoon. She'd just have to figure it out.
Oh, aye, dere be some not far from here, dis way. I can show ye, if ye like,Heloise offered, pointing in the direction she meant, not even blinking at the fact that the other woman wanted a plant that could kill. There were many uses for it, and sometimes wanting to kill something, even if it was another lion, was for a good reason.
I be Heloise, and ye?she asked, at least wanting the name of the one who had helped her, and who shared an interest in herbology.