Myrkvi chuffed for those willing to form a hunting party before stepping foot outside his borders. The newly adorned leader sought to ensure his pride would thrive in the depths of winter, he'd rather them not know struggle. He waited for those who wished to come to gather around him for awhile before starting the trek toward the fields by mid-morning to get there while the sun was still high in the sky. Once arriving, Myrkvi would signal for the gathered members to pause while he scoped out the landscape for prey that was suitable for the number of lions who had come along.
No fights in progress
Myrkvi chuffed for those willing to form a hunting party before stepping foot outside his borders. The newly adorned leader sought to ensure his pride would thrive in the depths of winter, he'd rather them not know struggle. He waited for those who wished to come to gather around him for awhile before starting the trek toward the fields by mid-morning to get there while the sun was still high in the sky. Once arriving, Myrkvi would signal for the gathered members to pause while he scoped out the landscape for prey that was suitable for the number of lions who had come along.
3 years .:. No Bonus
Cassandra would hear the chuffs of her husbands calling as he moved past the borders. The Brook Queen wouldn't hesitate to follow along behind him, knowing that they would need all the paws they could get for a hunt. With winter taking hold completely of the lands, she knew how important it was to keep the Brook well-fed and stocked up on food.
Following just behind him as they arrived at the fields, Cassandra would come up beside him and bump her shoulder against his before gently touching her nose to his cheek. It would be their first hunt as a ruling pair - hopefully the land would not disappoint with its bounty today. "See anything worth taking down?" She asked softly, keeping her voice low as she spoke so as to not alert the prey to their presence.
text. "speech." thoughts.
do tag me in reminders on the discord server (after 3-5 days).
i prefer you don't discuss this character in public ooc spaces.
do tag this character in pride hunts.
feel free to DM for plots or discord me at zodiacdream (but ask me first in discord).
closed to unplanned threads.
my current reply speed is number of days/week/etc.
Winter was upon them, and so while she answered the call for a hunt she wasn't entirely certain they would actually find anything. But, if they did it would be good if she was actually there. Especially since, as per usual, she was one of the first members to arrive and join the little gathering. Others would come soon enough, of that she was certain. There were so many of them within the pride that even if only a fraction of them came to the hunt they would have plenty to assist with whatever they might find. She just somewhat hoped it wasn't another elephant, if she was being honest.
Ah, another hunt. She was starting to get good at this honestly. Not that she was confident in her abilities just yet, but at least she wasn't actually terrified to show her face at these things. Which was good considering she had a rank and was supposed to be doing things for the pride and therefore actually using said rank. Which, yes, she was continuing to gather the history of the pride and the native families, but that was but a small subset of what was expected of someone.
There were all the usual faces at the hunt, though she didn't actually know the man who had called for them. She could guess who he was though, and maybe that was all that mattered.
Ansel went after his mother like a little shadow to her. He went wherever she went, wishing to learn from her all he could. Mostly about life lessons and healing. And today as per usual. Ansel was ready to once more take part in a pride hunt, now that he could join them he never left one unattended. Willing to do whatever he was told in order to get it to an end in the best manner. Quiet and focused, he took position besides his mother, waiting, watching for any moves that announced it was time to start the chase of whatever was today's target. He felt anxious, but never letting it settle on his eyes.
Food was not a guarantee. Even in the most normal of lifetimes the cooler it got the more essential food became. Food meant life and pelts meant warmth. And new dad Aquila wanted to try and get a bit more for his family's nest and the new litter of little ones they'd been blessed with. Along with his pride he gathered, coming up near his daughter Spiritus and reaching over to give her a soft nudge with his nose. A silent greeting before Cassandra's husband kicked off the hunt. He stood ready to move, his weight at the use of the more intelligent hunters here.
Trade Bonus: Pathfinder Lv. 5
Caligula was late but he had good enough reason to be. He had been tending to the newest cubs that they had been blessed with. He had been busy playing with them in order to wear them out. He then saw them safely tucked away in the warm little fur nests within the den. He had hopes they would sleep long enough for him to slip away so that he could partake in getting them something to eat.
He smiled to find Aquila and Spiritus there. It was the same usual hunting party. That was a blessing even if it wasn't a large gathering. They had all worked together numerous times before and knew each other's skills well enough at this point. That meant that the bronze male had high hopes for this hunt.
Caligula moved over to approach his family. He sought to brush up against Spiritus and Aquila as he had always been the sort to pass out physical affection as greetings. "I got them down for a nap but we need to be quick." He spoke softly so as not to disturb the entire hunting party.
Rolled Prey: Hard; Giraffe
Number of Prey Animals: 2
Hunting Party Stats: 6 Adults, 1 Yearling, 1 Ranger Lv. 3, 1 Pathfinder Lv. 5, Pride Tier Lv. 1; 12 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 15 (-1 Prey Dodge)
Lion Hits: 7
Prey Dodges: 4 + 4 = 8 - 1 = 7
dice were rolled in discord by @Sylvey. you can play out the remainder of the hunt however you’d like.
When she saw the spotted form of the giraffe moseying along, she felt like that might well be a long shot.
Unfortunately, the giraffe managed to escape them, though just barely, and Spiritus watched it gallop off with a slight frown. "Well, I guess we can't always be successful," she commented, more trying to reassure herself than anyone else in earshot, but if she managed to do that too then that was just fine.
-exit spiritus-
"It's okay, we will just have find something else. Can't expect to catch everything you see." He said in way to reassure his older child. He really didn't want this to dampen Spiritus's spirit. This wasn't their fault at all. Sure, the pride usually had successes when they hunted but everyone had to experience failure at some point or another. Caligula knew more than his fair share of failure.
The maneless male nudged his mate gently before taking off after his child to make certain Spiritus would be okay with this sort of setback.
Caligula Exits