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IC News

December 13, 2024 After winning the challenge for Wolfbron Bluffs and becoming the fourth Dieudonné to hold the crown, Lazare releases all the members and ends the longest standing pride's reign over the island. After seven years of the Bluffs being held by the same family, it now sits empty, waiting for the next chapter of it's leadership.

December 6, 2024 Death came to a witch hunter after she called for the death of Karsa, with Kvare answering it causing Miaran to fall. Lazare Dieudonné challenges Louve Dieudonné for Wolfbron Bluffs. Snow seems to be falling in the middle of the summer as strange animals show up and offer a tempting meal for those brave enough to jump in.

November 8, 2024 Scorpius has gone missing and in his place Zaahir steps up to take the throne of Andal Oasis. How this change of leadership will shake things up in the lands, only time will tell.

October 11, 2024 Something is happening in the Scorched Wilds. There is a battle raging between a familiar force and an unfamiliar one. What will you do? Help or hinder?

October 1, 2024 Spooky things are happening as the afterlife start walking among the living once again.

September 30, 2024 Louve Dieudonné manages to keep Wolfbron Bluffs in the family. What will happen between the Bluffs and the otherwise peaceful pride of Lorien Plains?

September 20, 2024 Ilarion Rurik challenges for Wolfbron, will the Dieudonné lead pride fall?

September 8, 2024War broke out once again in the Lagoon when a wedding had some uninvited guest arrive. The war results in the most death matches the island has seen at once. The Summit was challenged by Brighid with Talisa answering the call. After many years of the Summit have the same two leaders, the Summit changes hands. What will this mean for the balance of Amaryllis? A witch hunt has started by Luther and Miaran which seems to be turning things on an island that is full of magic.

August 25, 2024 War broke out in the challenge for the Lagoon after Cassius tries to take the Lagoon from Isla. The Cove remains with Miaran. The leadership of the Mire switches from Sigrún hold to Rike when Luther comes back to take his birthland back. Elephants push into the Rainforest and push out the lions there. Soon after Lucifer lays claim to his birthland and takes over the Rainforest.

June 27, 2024 Conflict and tensions rise as prides come head-to-head with one another across Amaryllis - just as Pyrrha and Cassius take the leap to try and claim (or reclaim) their own thrones.

May 24, 2024 Rulers continue to shift, family strife ensues, and, per usual, tensions seems taunt and always lingering on the horizon.

April 24, 2024 Things are rocky within Amaryllis as the Dieudonne clash result in three deaths and forces a shift in the rulership of Firnen Rainforest. With Caladan Cove freshly overturned as well, what will the consequenecss of these events be?

March 30, 2024 The lull has ended as a long standing family, the Dieudonné, launch death matches against their own. The Plains sees a challenge from a new comer, Aphrodite, and the quite pride is pushed into the spotlight.

March 19, 2024 A momentary lull has overtaken the lands of Amaryllis as its inhabitants attempt to find their footing and rebuild after a string of challenges. How long it will last, however, nobody can be quite sure.

February 11, 2024 The Mire has fallen from the Stärke family and is now held by Luther Rike. The change has stirred but the fighting nature of those on the island. The Brook finds a new leader with Icefang and Isla takes over the Lagoon after a storm pushes out the old leader. Reti finds himself the leader of the Hollows after Alexander is hurt. The Oasis finds a new leader in Léonie who is soon tested by Harou.

January 8, 2024 The snow has finally begun to melt anew, which means that the world is slowly returning to the much-anticipated summer season. With the various holiday activities and the other jests put on by Nafasi also coming to a close, it is safe to say that winter is finally over.

December 5th, 2023 Nafasi had pulled a cruel trick and has sent Amaryllis back into a renewed winter season! But it's not all bad, because the lands will also see a handful of holiday-themed events popping up as a result. To make things more interesting, a wayward trio of travlers have also arrived and are facilitating a mass competition between the prides, bands, and rogues -- formally dubbed the Amaryllis Winter Games.

December 2nd, 2023 The spring air brings forth a number of pride challenges. A familiar challenger for the Cove and the Oasis arrive to try to earn what they want. The new leader of the Lagoon is tested in battle as well. What changes will come from the challenges? Who will remain standing and who will find their world turned upside down?

November 27th, 2023 In a challenge between mother and daughter, the leadership of Wolfbron Bluff changes for the first time in 5 IC years.

November 22nd, 2023 Two death matches, one resurrection, and an almost-war later, the lands find themselves in a constant state of turmoil and calamity. Families have been torn apart and endless blood has been spilt; but how is it all going to end?

November 3rd, 2023 The lands stir violently as a death match rages on between Aeistrios Saxe and Morrigan Greyflood. Observers spill into the pit in droves to witness what will no doubt be a historic battle -- and it is clear that this familial fued is far from over, no matter who wins and who dies.

October 12th, 2023 With winter comes the surge of more pride challenges; Ludivine challenges Ryker for Firnen Rainforest and is victorious in her endeavors, meanwhile an outcropping of maims breaks out on the sidelines. In a shocking turn of events Luther returns to challenge Bruno for Ecrosia Mire, will the former heir prove victorious or has Bruno got what it takes to keep his brother's ambitions at bay? This has undoubtedly shaken things up as Bruno declares war against Andal Oasis and Allies in the process!

archive of old in-character news

OOC News

Quick Links - Major Discord Updates & Quick Fire Updates

January 4, 2025 The site is now open! Please read Welcome to 2025! & January Update. Both of these are important and members need to be aware of what is expected and what has changed.

January 2, 2025 The site is now open to OOC accounts and leader accounts to allow the review of the changes. The site will open fully back up on the 4th. Please read Welcome to 2025! & January Update. Both of these are important and members need to be aware of what is expected and what has changed.

December 20, 2024 Our Winter Break has started. Our Advent is still on going. Our site will be closed from Dec 26th - Jan 2nd for updates.

December 1, 2024 Our Winter Events have started!! Please read more here

November 24, 2024 Our Winter Events have been posted! Our Winter break will take place Dec 20th - Jan 6th. Please read more here

November 11, 2024 We have added two more weeks to the BWP! Also be sure to check out our Quick Fire Updates.

October 11, 2024 An important message to our members please take a moment to read it over. We are also launching our Mini-BWP! Echoes in the Ash

October 05, 2024 Check out our Fall update. There are a lot of changes and some fun new things!

October 01, 2024 Halloween has come to Amaryllis in the spring! Check out the Spooky Time Fun we have going on, complete with scavenger hunt and ghostly hauntings! There might even be something going on in the Scorched Wilds, for those brave enough to look.

July 15, 2024 We have released our official summer update/patch. It includes a lot of important information so make sure to read it through!

July 12, 2024 Our summer break is here! Learn more here! It will end on the 26th of July.

July 1, 2024 Our summer break is coming up soon! Learn more here!

June 27, 2024 The June Posting Raffle is coming to a close this weekend, so get your posts and ticket counts in!

May 28, 2024 Our June posting raffle is posted for sign ups! Sign up here. Be sure you vote for your favortie banner! Seasons banner contest voting!

May 23, 2024 The Guidebook has officially been updated with the new trade perks, as per the revamp. Please ensure that you are changing your trades or picking your perks from the pools (if applicable) in this thread.

April 19, 2024 We are entering the next phase of our trade perk revamp and testing with the launch of our soft opening, which includes the new perks going live and changes being able to be made to characters. Please read the thread in its entierty. Additionally, this is a reminder that you have until May 9th to exit your double exp threads!

April 01, 2024 Our Spring Update is a MASSIVE update! New trade perks are annouced, changes to leadership and prides, new ranks, and more! Be sure to read it over! After you are done, be sure to head to member testing to give the new trade perks a test drive!

March 19, 2024 With our site-wide double trade experience event now fully underway, the Admin team would like to bring our official 2024 Site Fundraiser to everyone's attention. We rely on our members to keep the site going, and are offering a wide range of gifts and prizes - please take a look!

March 1, 2024 Our double trade experience fundraiser is open for donations! Please read about the changes made for this time around.

February 13, 2024 It is time for our 2024 Community Check In. This survey covers OOC areas, IC areas, and a few other things that staff are looking to gain insight on. This is very important to us so please take the time to answer the questions. You have until March 11th to finish this survery. Once complete, you can claim an item from the shop or 150xp. More details are in the survey.

January 25, 2024 Site update! Please review some changes to the site here.

January 8, 2024 Happy New Year and welcome back from our site-wide break! We're looking forward to picking things back up, and hope that everyone feels refreshed.

December 2, 2023 Fa la la la la, la la la la! It's finally December, and we all know what that means — holiday events, woohoo! We will also be having a site break December 22nd - Jan 5th.

November 28, 2023 We are looking for input on the trade system revamp. Learn more about it and the raffle here!

archive of old out-of-character news


Character of the Month
Pair of the Month
Who's Who

Pride Challenges
Olive vs Reti for Lorien
Rank Challenges
Ixora vs Helena for CC Heiress
Claim or Imprisonment Challenges
Clove vs Zaahir for Maeve
Clove vs Orei for Jetta
Clove vs Helena for Euryale
Dominance Matches
No fights in progress
Maim Matches
Elaine vs. Tripfire for Minor Maim
Bruno vs Iðunn for Major Maim
Death Matches
No fights in progress
October Y13
Crunchy leaves, rain, and cool nights are on the rise as Amaryllis descends into the fall season. The cold is beginning to creep in from the nothern territories, whistling through the trees and mountains along the way, but, in time, will encapsulate the entire peninsula.

Map & Calendar

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Site Time
The current time on Amaryllis is:

The bread and butter

All site-based items on Amaryllis are copywritten to the owners. Characters are copywritten and owned by their creators. Amaryllis is currently owned by Ice and Irish. Themes coded by Dusk. Full credits here.

🕷 Old Fashioned (Black Meeting)
      |   #11
Companionable conversation stirred between himself and @Opium. It would seem he was a bit estranged from his brothers at this point, though surely @Poltetgeist would comment on their brother's rise to the Black family mantle at some point. Though it was undeniable that since cubhood he'd held a key difference from his siblings, for unlike them he'd not inherited the Black fever.

Slit gaze slid around those gathered, noticing their numbers had fallen. @Recluse had done his part to repopulate the Black family, whereas no one else had. As his brother introduced his spawn to the family he glanced shyly toward @Opium. Some day they would need to do their part in bolstering the Black family genes.

Attention stirred back to his brother as news of Envy's departure became apparent. A frown crossed the umbra lips as he considered this information, then took a moment to consider the question posed to him and Poltergeist. I would not take this from you Brother. Should they all wish to lead perhaps the responsibilities of the Black family patriarch could split three ways, but he was not extremely interested in leading the family. That would be better left to Recluse or Poltergeist.
image by moogle/code by saph
      |   #12
"Likely the best one out of all three of us to take it, Archaic," Poltergeist responded with an irritated tone. He offered a leveling glare at his brother, ignoring his betrothed's comments entirely. Opium was another problem entirely. Archaic knew @Recluse was the better one to take such a job - how dare he question it!

Another spawn of Recluse joined them as he turned back towards their new Patriarch. "You're the best chance we've got. Envy would be lying if he hadn't noticed your ambition!" Poltergeist argued, sticking up for his favorite brother because of the special bond they shared. Unfortunate for @Archaic, they did not have any sort of special connection.


Poltergeist is host to a virus called the Black Fever, which is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) The severity of the symptoms depends on the victim's immune system as well as the severity of their bite wound(s). Players can choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #13
No Lamb For The Lazy
No Battles Won In Bed
"Unfortunately, it will be your heavy head that must wear the crown... no one else seems very willing. You must feel honored." Odium's dark, sarcastic tone drifted onto the scene seemingly out of nowhere, arriving with a darkened scowl resting upon his features. He was fashionably late to the whole endeavor.

He had made a point not to stray too far from his sister ever since they had found each other. He gave her a wide berth out of respect for his only kin... but he did not approve of her attending the meeting with @Archaic at her side. Of course... he would prefer her to renounce the 'Black' name altogether, but they had not spoken so heavily upon the topic just yet.

Odium's dark, bottomless gaze was fixed intensely upon the new family lead as he stood on the outer rim of the main audience. From here he had a relatively good vantage point on the rest of the family... feeling a need to keep tabs on the others who were present as well. This would be the first time in a long time that most of them would be seeing him again. He wanted to be sure he was at the top of his game, lest one of them tried anything too bold.

@Opium @Recluse
code by corvus

I usually reply after 3 days at most ~ If I HAVE NOT replied in about 7 days, please message me on discord! :3

ODIUM is host to a virus called the Black Fever. It is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) Players are allowed to choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #14
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2022, 05:37 PM by Vain.)
@Poltergeist had decided to join Vain and the cub and indulge in the comfortable warmth of the Spring's waters as they waited for all this political drabble to wear itself down. In all honesty, Vain couldn't care less who was in charge... He had never really felt the paw of Envy during his time here in this land. He didn't expect any of that to change now that @Recluse was stepping into the old man's place.

Vain watched as more arrived, spotting @Opium as she flashed a smile at the cubs... and of course he saw the male she had come with. Surely Envy could have found her a better betrothed than @Archaic.

~ Surely.

It was only after Poltergeist and Archaic has declined the invitation from their brother that a very familar voice rose up to poke fun. It had been quite a long stint of time since he had heard that voice. His Icy gaze then fell upon Odium, and for a moment Vain's heart fluttered in his chest.

'Perhaps we'll see something of real interest now.' He thought to himself, shifting in the warm pool to more effectively direct his attention to what was to unfold before them.
image by moogle/code by saph

I usually reply after 3 days at most ~ If I HAVE NOT replied in about 7 days, please message me on discord! :3

ODIUM is host to a virus called the Black Fever. It is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) Players are allowed to choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #15
Laveau spotted the familiar face of @Odium, her adopted brother, then she slid her gaze to @Vain and a purr sounded as she strolled over to greet him, it had been too long since they had been separated from each other on their way to Amaryllis. She butted her head up against hist chin and nuzzled his neck gently before settling down on her haunches, looking up to greet him, "Brother..." She breathed out, how had she missed his presence, why had no one told her he'd made it here? Of course he did, she was the one who had been separated, stolen away under the cover of night...
image by moogle/code by saph

Laveau is rated M for Foul Language, Abuse, and Other Mature Themes
      |   #16
Neither brother seemed interested in the position at the head of the family. Recluse would nod absently, guising the slight disappointment he felt. The Blacks needed more lions with ambition, lions eager to bring them back to a place of importance. He could try and encourage them, offer inspiration through his own acts, but that would only do so much.

Attention would turn to a pair of lions who would be even more problematic than his brothers. Odium was one he never met personally, though he had heard of the family line. They had rejected their name and thought they would be allowed to take the family's gift with them along another line. He inwardly celebrated their destruction, though it seemed Odium was not so accepting as his sister was with what had happened. "@Odium is it? What happened to your family was unfortunate, but it was a risk they knowingly took. None here are responsible for their deaths, your anger serves no purpose here." He said quietly, giving the boy something to think on.

"I will tell you, and anyone else here, to be a part of this family is a privilege, not a prison sentence. If you do not wish to be a part of it, you will be dismissed, your surname stripped. In the case of those that shun the gift given. Used to be you were killed for it, but I will not kill those wishing to leave. Those that have the bite can, but only after they are stripped of the ability to pass it on to any offspring." He announced, eyes sweeping the gathered lions, wondering if any would wish to leave.
code // art // do not use without permission


Recluse is host to a disease inflicted through a bite. Effects include; headache, fever, confusion, hallucinations, aggression, amnesia, blindness, or death. Effects of the bite appear the next day and grow progressively worse. Hosts have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes akin to oleander, which instinctively warns others of a potential health threat. Effects of the bite are entirely up to the roleplayer of the bitten character.
      |   #17
No Lamb For The Lazy
No Battles Won In Bed
@Recluse took his sarcasm lightly, holding his nose high and looking down from it upon Odium as he spoke... at least, that's how Odium himself saw it. His fangs bared openly as the other male spoke of his family, as though he were hoping to separate himself and the rest of this disgusting clan from the violence that had been done... as if to alienate Odium and his sister as mere creme from a bad crop that they had so selflessly taken under their wing!

"Unfortunate? That's all it was? For one Black to slay another under the same family name... in front of their own children? It was unfortunate?" He growled deeply, taking several intensive steps toward the man who stood on his pedestal... a pedestal no one else wanted. "As far as I’m concerned, everyone here is responsible for their deaths. Do not pretend you don't celebrate the actions taken so long ago." He spit at Recluse's feet with venom, ears pinned flat against his head and dark eyes swirling with hatred. There mere fact that he had diminished and disassociated from the severity of the murders that had occurred... this new head didn't give a damn!

"Strip me of the surname. I have renounced it already. But you will NOT deny me children of my own. You have no right to repress MY family any further." He said, attempting to come only inches away from Recluse's own muzzle, breath pouring from Odium's maw and nostrils in plumes of steam like smoke from an angered dragon.
code by corvus

I usually reply after 3 days at most ~ If I HAVE NOT replied in about 7 days, please message me on discord! :3

ODIUM is host to a virus called the Black Fever. It is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) Players are allowed to choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #18
It wasn't something Opium ever talked about, but the ideas that her parents were killed by this line of Blacks... it made her a bit uncomfortable. And whether it was from the trauma or just simply a defense mechanism she developed as she grew older, Opium didn't remember what had happened to her and her brother that faithless night. She didn't remember her parents, and she felt no remorse for their deaths. The strife that lingered in her brother's memory was what made her uncomfortable - and with his return, it would seem to bubble up to the surface.

She offered the ghost of a smile to @Odium, though she did not speak to him. She had not come here to cause trouble, just to listen to what Recluse had to say, understand who to report to going forward, and be on her way with Archaic. Truthfully, she was a little irritated he had come just to stir the pot. He wanted to cause a rift, and because he was her blood-kin, she would be caught in the middle of it. Though, she was silent on this fact for right now. She'd listen, she'd learn of his motives, and then she'd choose for herself what to do next.

Hearing @Recluse speak of the gift, Opium had the sudden urge to sink her teeth into someone.

As her brother became more and more hostile, taking out the rage that boiled in his veins for years, Opium realized that it was not Recluse nor was it Odium that she wanted to sink her fangs into... but she couldn't deny the conflicted feelings building within her. She both wanted to snap at Odium for making a scene here, but... perhaps this was the best place to be heard out. The whole family was here.

She couldn't help but tense, though, as her brother closed in on Recluse. Had Archaic been paying attention, he would've seen the shift in her. She wasn't a fighter, and perhaps she didn't totally agree with what Odium was accusing Recluse of, but she wouldn't let them harm him.

"Odium!" she snarled, going against her earlier choice of silence by instinct alone. She rose, standing in place, though she did not move. She was readying herself for a war... one she wasn't sure which side she'd defend or fight.


Opium is host to a virus inflicted through a bite. Effects include: headache, fever, confusion, hallucinations, aggression, amnesia, temporary blindness, or death. Effects of the bite appear the next day and can grow progressively worse. These effects are completely optional to the affected character's player. Hosts have a subtle scent to them that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #19
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2022, 03:34 AM by Poltergeist.)
He was usually a beast that preferred to snark from the shadows, he couldn't help but get extra defensive when his Recluse was being threatened and accused of a crime he (nor anyone else present) committed. When Odium had the audacity to step towards Recluse, coming too close for Poltergeist's comfort, the cotton candy colored man sprang from the shallows of the springs to his brother's side. Dripping and wet, but his eyes were focused on the prize before him: Odium.

At first, he was silent, taking in the accusations as they came, but Odium's rage was quickly being made into ammunition in Poltergeist's mind. "The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree," he began, but that wasn't the end of it. "Consider yourselves fortunate," he paused, making sure he pointedly looked between the adopted twins, including his sister Opium, "that you weren't massacred with them. Clearly, Opium, your brother is showing us all why we should always tie up the loose ends." Words that were surely meant to sting and stir the steaming pot of rage that was almost coming to a boil. "Not take them home and adopt them."

Did Poltergeist have thoughts on this whole thing? Not really. He was happy the rebels were killed, but that was that. He didn't have anything to debate or question. It was definitely unfortunate that their children still walked among them, though, carrying the Black name they didn't deserve.

"Careful Odium," Poltergeist spoke with feigned concern. "You're starting to sound ungrateful."

if need be, feel free to bitch slap the dog shit out of him >:D @Recluse @Odium


Poltergeist is host to a virus called the Black Fever, which is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) The severity of the symptoms depends on the victim's immune system as well as the severity of their bite wound(s). Players can choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
      |   #20
Vain watched with interest before another familiar face arrived on the scene. A purr filled the air as his own lost sibling made an appearance, and he couldn't help but wonder if Odium and @Laveau had found each other and made it the rest of the way together. She had obviously missed him greatly, her affection being received by him openly. He had missed her too... A hum escaped his own throat, content and as close to a purr as he was ever going to get. "Dear sister, It has been a long time. You must tell me where you've been... but another time. For now, I fear Odium's return will not bode well. Let's watch, eh?" He said, sinking deeper into the warmth of the spring water just as Odium began to bark back at their new family Head.

As Odium approached @Recluse, Vain felt somewhat torn. He looked over at @Opium, feeling for her. His father had always used Odium's love for his sister against him - to keep him quelled and submissive. Vain was sure it was still a viable way to subdue him, even now.

If only Vain had taken after Vanquish just a little bit more he would have snatched Opium and threatened to end her. It would most definitely force Odium's little outburst to come to an abrupt end... but Vain loved Opium too. Vain could not bring himself to do such a thing as that. Still, this needed to be handled. If Vain would not do it... someone still might. Vain startled as @Poltergeist flung himself out of the waters and charged toward Odium himself. "Laveau... Opium might be in trouble if this gets out of hand." He muttered, stalking out of the warmth quietly to make his way toward Opium.

Vain did not much care for Odium... but he wanted to make sure Opium was safe. He would protect her... and Poltergeist's words were quite concerning.
image by moogle/code by saph

I usually reply after 3 days at most ~ If I HAVE NOT replied in about 7 days, please message me on discord! :3

ODIUM is host to a virus called the Black Fever. It is commonly passed through a bite. The virus attacks the nervous system causing an array of various symptoms (see profile for list!) Players are allowed to choose the severity of the symptoms or whether their character is infected at all! It's there for a little fun >:)

Hosts will have a subtle scent of sweet citrus and floral notes, akin to oleander, that instinctively warns others of a potential health threat.
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