@Pistis @Ymerallis
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September Y13
Though the air is still warm and the sun is bright, the summer is beginning to wane and, with it, the humidity has started to die down. It is a welcomed relief for the inhabitants of the jungle, as more moderate weather will mean that the rainforest will not feel quite as stifling, as well as those from the desert, who's early autumn will see calm winds and mild nights. For the rest of the peninsula, the change in seasons will be gradual, hinting towards the colder months that are soon to come.
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Amaryllis' discovered prides
Fluttering of Wings
01-31-2021, 11:37 PM
The beast's breath catches in his chest as the other woman pads through the tunnel and emerges into their, now her private space. Watches his wife and her carefully, his brows raising at the green woman's supplication. Then they narrow, mildly irritated. As much as he enjoys his ego stroked, there is a point when such things get annoying. However Pistis knows how to handle it, despite her nerves, her caution, her fear. Reaches out and makes sure the other woman knows she is not a servant, a meek princess. No, he liked the challenge she had offered him before he took her, and it was disappointing to have it fade away. But aside from the expressions that flash across his face, the man offers no words. Letting the pair sort themselves out. Letting them find the solution to the problem. They were both his, and they both knew that. He needn't step in and explain a damn thing; this was their time. Let them sort out how they would work together. How they would adjust. The narrowing of gaze fades as he watches, waiting for Mera's next move, Pistis's next little speech. Hopeful that it would continue to go as well as it was currently. """"
Code by Saph Image by Kairi
@Pistis @Ymerallis
Gwyn is rated M for Mature for sexual content, violence, gore, and occasionally language. May show up in any thread with his mates, regardless of tag.
01-31-2021, 11:47 PM
mera doesn't catch gwyn's annoyance, for her submission is all in good faith. if she is to love a brute such as himself beside another, the inflections and expectations of doing so are beyond her. formality, even stupid formality, seems the safest option until expectations are understood. she offers pistis a small, shy smile, nodding her head in relief. i am happy we are equals, and i believe we will become good friends. the older lioness seems, at least on the surface, a peaceful sort. maybe a bit daft, easy to manipulate, but ymerallis won't think like that. at least, not yet; not until she's scoped out the pride and their current situation.
the green girl looks over at gwyn, offering a smile of appreciation, any attempt to cool the embers flaring behind his eyes. i apologize for my meekness, she whispers, reading his expression. i have never been in a polygamous relationship, or any relationship at all. i have not lived in a pride in a very long time, and you both seem so strong and mighty. i simply wish to... her voice trickles off. belong. already, she can tell gwyn is more than a good fuck. he is a man of layers, of moods, and she must learn them if she is to survive. there's a similar feeling of anxious unathority she feels, standing in front of pistis. perhaps the silver female can help her learn and understand her new lover? she returns the queen's attempt at affection, letting out a loud purr as she closes her eyes and rutts her head up against pistis, tail waving in bliss. you are a kind lioness... ymerallis whispers, as if shocked by pistis' hospitality.
@Pistis, @Gwyn
the green girl looks over at gwyn, offering a smile of appreciation, any attempt to cool the embers flaring behind his eyes. i apologize for my meekness, she whispers, reading his expression. i have never been in a polygamous relationship, or any relationship at all. i have not lived in a pride in a very long time, and you both seem so strong and mighty. i simply wish to... her voice trickles off. belong. already, she can tell gwyn is more than a good fuck. he is a man of layers, of moods, and she must learn them if she is to survive. there's a similar feeling of anxious unathority she feels, standing in front of pistis. perhaps the silver female can help her learn and understand her new lover? she returns the queen's attempt at affection, letting out a loud purr as she closes her eyes and rutts her head up against pistis, tail waving in bliss. you are a kind lioness... ymerallis whispers, as if shocked by pistis' hospitality.
02-01-2021, 02:58 PM
Pistis catches the mild look of irritation. Ah, so this was not how she normally acts? That was good to know, she had thought it a tad strange he’d brought in another nervous lioness like herself. Knowing he preferred someone who could be bold, at least sometimes. She smiled at Mera, nodding in agreement. Though she didn’t know the other thought it, Pistis was not really the kind to be easily manipulated. She trusted others, yes, but not blindingly. She’d learned the signs of manipulation now, found them easy to spot. The other apologizes, and Pistis shakes her head, “I am nervous as well, I’ve known I was polygamous myself for a long time but have only been in marriages with a single husband,” she admits, “there is a lot for both of us to learn, but I can help you with the marriage aspect.” She already knew Gwyn quite well, not all of his secrets, no. But she knew his mannerisms, moods, likes and dislikes. She would help Mera learn in due time. At the mention of her being kind, she draws away, smiling in a sheepish manner, “thank you, I try my best.” Which was genuine. Every day she tried to bring just a tad bit of kindness into an already bleak and harsh world. The Greek woman did not see a point in adding onto anyone’s problems if she could help it. Pistis was still nervous, but was feeling a bit better about all this. Ymerallis seemed agreeable, at the least. She expected the most annoying part about a polygamous relationship would be the constant sharing of space, honestly. @Gwyn @Ymerallis |