A piercing shriek of a harpy eagle shattered the quiet stillness of the afternoon, and the dark paladin raised his gaze from his meal in tepid curiosity as the feathered titan spiraled lazily on an updraft that rose from a ravine in the badlands. Perched as he was on one of the highest peaks, the sight made for a strange contrast; an earth-bound creature such as himself, gazing downward at an eagle in mid-flight. Marius fleetingly wondered if this was how gods felt as they watched their creations mill about on the continent, but the Pastor was too restless to examine that philosophy any deeper, and so returned his attention back to the kill he had made hours earlier. There was not much left of the lamb, unfortunately. It had been a tiny thing to begin with, born in the deep winter months, much too early for it to have made it far in life, and made only the barest of snacks for a colossus such as himself. The lion wore a talented mask of indifference as he gnawed on one of the bones, breaking it easily between his teeth for the nutty marrow within. While tasty, it did little to satisfy his seemingly incessant appetite, and with a sigh pushing abruptly from his chest the dark paladin lifted himself from the earth. Swatting what was left of the bones and tendons down into the ravine, he turned away from his godly perch. Let the eagle feast on its bones- he would seek out something more substantial. |
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September Y13
Though the air is still warm and the sun is bright, the summer is beginning to wane and, with it, the humidity has started to die down. It is a welcomed relief for the inhabitants of the jungle, as more moderate weather will mean that the rainforest will not feel quite as stifling, as well as those from the desert, who's early autumn will see calm winds and mild nights. For the rest of the peninsula, the change in seasons will be gradual, hinting towards the colder months that are soon to come.
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silver spoons & honeyed wine
01-30-2021, 08:07 PM
02-02-2021, 02:03 PM
It had not been his intention to happen upon the stranger and his kill. Especially not in such a precarious position, either; he'd been clambering along the ledges, not unlike a mountain goat - but with considerable more husk - and using the opportunity that the quiet afternoon provided to explore the western side of the island. He'd familiarised himself now with the shore, and the peaks, but the grit and sand of the dunes and plains were not quite his cup of tea. This? This suited him far better; it even reminded him a little of home. When he caught sight of @Marius on the ledge below, he would offer a brief chuff of acknowledgement. An unwelcome dinner guest, perhaps, but not one that intended on leaving immediately; at least he wasn't encroaching on his personal space, and he certainly had no plans of stealing the remains of his gnarled up meal.
02-02-2021, 07:55 PM
For others it might be the sound of footfalls or the scent on a shifting breeze that alerted them to another’s presence, but for the titan, encased as he was in the generic safety of his size, it was a deliberate chuff that heralded the arrival of another. Marius had been turning to leave, having just swatted the remains of the meager carcass down the ravine, when the noise drew his red gaze upwards to the ledge above his. Surprise managed over a variety of other sentiments as he peered upwards at the stranger, the emotion manifesting only in lifted brows, before he responded to them in a similar fashion and resumed his planned trek by taking the rocky trail upwards. His original intention was to ascend to the top, at the very highest plateau so that he might explore that area, but with this other giant present Marius thought a detour might be in order. So, he would pause his ascent of the trail where the other titan lingered on their perch, and Marius expanded on his greeting in a somewhat more civilized fashion. “Makes for a good view, for whatever else it lacks.” He commented mildly, gesturing with his chin over his shoulder at the craggy landscape of the badlands. @Magnus |
02-05-2021, 03:27 PM
Judging by the way the other man rose, he was starting to wrap things up and Magnus' sudden arrival had put a stop to that. Well, the Sigrún was not stopping him, so it was clear in the way that @Marius lingered by the junction of the slope that he felt at least a little sociable. Enough to pause and make a remark, anyway. The scarred male would offer a short nod of agreement. "It is not the most habitable of places." But, in a way, it was rather appealing. Nostalgic. "Magnus." He offered - a gruff, one-word introduction extended to the other man, should he feel like giving the same in turn.
02-20-2021, 04:55 PM
Although it made for a somewhat awkward position, Marius remained with his chin tilted over his shoulder as his claret hues considered the rugged but somehow beautiful landscape. Its beauty was sharp and striking, and the harshness of it seemed only to enhance the appeal, at least from this elevated angle. When the scarred giant spoke of its qualities (or rather, lack thereof) as a habitat, Marius agreed whole-heartedly. “Indeed. I would not wish to live here long term.” But an occasional visit for these views was pleasant enough. The dark titan’s focus returned to the other when an introduction was supplied and would reciprocate in kind. “Marius.” He responded mildly, his eyes focused on the other now. @Magnus |
02-22-2021, 12:34 PM
The other man seemed to agree with the sentiment, and as he spoke Magnus' scarred visage would turn so that he could better take in the entirety of the view. There was not much here in the way of life, so finding prey here would be an annoyance for anyone who wanted to set up camp long-term. It was no surprise that no prides or bands had yet chosen to settle here; especially when there were other spots still on offer. Prime retail, as it were. "You and everyone else, by the looks of it." An introduction in kind was given, and the titan would nod. "Have you lived here long, @Marius?" His attention remained settled on the younger male as he waited, expression only betraying the vaguest of curiousity.