Summer on the plains had moments of being brutal, but in the early morning hours- this time was not. Prey scent was rich within the air, as she strolls through the territory, drinking it all in. The sights, the sounds, the smells- this place is wonderful. Long tall grasses conceal her small stature, her wheaten fur helping her blend in seamlessly, as she followed the fresh scent of prey. She would raise her head, above the grasses as she spied a potential meal, and then crouch back down. A soft chuff would leave her, for any pride-mates who may be lurking nearby, if anyone was up this early- that was— to see if they wished to join her in a hunt.
No fights in progress
No fights in progress
No fights in progress
No fights in progress
No fights in progress
Year 2, no bonus
Gabrielle happened upon Ghyslaine and dipped her head in acknowledgment, she gave her a soft smile, she had been having quite a bit of fun exploring the plains, her eyes were soft and shining bright. The lioness was happy she could finally somewhat blend in, and it showed with the way she stalked and spirited about, she knew though that she would need to speak with Adeodatus soon, that could wait though.
The lioness lowered her head, as she spotted the pray Ghyslaine had her eyes on, and she circled around, thankfully the tall wheat grass kept her well hidden, the peach tones of her fur mixing well with the surrounding, she lowered her shoulders and stood ready to pounce, her muscles winding up and tensing, her eyes focused on Ghyslaine and the prey, waiting for the call, or a motion to lunge forward.
Okay, she wasn't a hunter. Far from it actually, but when she heard the call of Ghyslaine enter into the air- she didn't want to not show her face and seem like she didn't care to help.
If anything, as Ilithyia approached, she figured perhaps she could serve as a distraction. Or even scare the prey to their awaiting jaws- no matter how much that pained her heart to think about for the prey. Shuffling in, she kept quiet as she peered about, before whispering to Ghyslaine- "I prefer not to harm the prey myself... can I aid in scaring or distracting the prey for you guys?" Hopefully her friend didn't think bad of her for that- Violarum had accepted her for it after all.
3 Years, No Bonus
As a fledgling pride, Fallon knows that she must participate and work even harder than she had in the Mire. Still, it is no secret that hunting is not a past time that she seldom enjoys. Reflecting back on her time as a rogue, the charcoal woman can only ponder as to how she had survived all those years without having really engaged herself in the art of hunting prey. She supposed that she and Fálki had merely scraped by and survived off scraps.
But this was different -- there were many mouths (including those of her children) that relied on a steady source of food. So when she hears @Ghyslaine call, the Sovereign appears, crouching low in the tall grass and regarding @Ilithyia's request with a somewhat quizzical expression. Did she not want to her paws dirty? What was the meaning of this? Time to debate that point later, for now, the Sovereign waits for the Heiress' instructions.
There was almost nothing better than the sight he had from some way up a rolling hill; seeking @Ghyslaine 's voice with an excited pep in his step. There, not too far below his toes, he can see the shape of four delightfully different women; gold, pink, pied and beautifully grey. This, he decides rather contentedly, was what King was being about.
Okay sure, the family and friends were paramount. But the happy little gathering of huntresses did something mighty pleasing for the clay man, who strolled down to them with a jolly stride. "You guys look good," he assured them on arrival, not intended in a weird way, but an honest way.
Of course, Vio had to spare a particular moment to thud his forehead to the crouching hip of @Fallon, innocently trying to throw his wife off her game face - for funsies.
boundless energy and a parasitic attachment to @Ghyslaine ensures that the youth is late to bed and early to rise, so the heiress’ soft beckon reaches her with ease. familiar in its promise of pursuit, and adrenaline begins its slow creep through her system as she heeds the call with a predatory saunter. fashionably late to the gathering as she approaches vio and |
He saunters into view, lured in by a familiar, barely audible chuff. It's the height of summer and the Plains have a nasty tendency to reach boiling temperatures as the sun reaches its zentih. Fortunately for the pride, @Ghyslaine has elected to hunt in the cooler hours of the morning. With a single look he can see the sun peeking above the horizon, but just barely. Hopefully, they're able to finish it quickly. An ear swivels towards @Ilithyia as her voice shatters the quiet morning air. How does she plan to scare their prey? Using her cuteness against them? "I've seen caracal kittens scarier than you." There's amusement in his voice, but he smiles, not opposed to the idea. Some distraction might actually work. Following the example of the others, he crouches down behind @Uma. "Yeah, why not? Knock yourself out."
Rolled Prey: Extra Hard: Elephant
Number of Prey Animals: 1
Hunting Party Stats:8 adults 16d20
Lion Hits: 6
Prey Dodges: 5
dice were rolled in discord by @CloudyNight. you can play out the remainder of the hunt however you’d like.
The last one of these that she had seen and had taken down had been in the Mire. Her tail flicked with excitement as she stared through the brush at the elephant. Perhaps it was injured in some way to be here all alone... or perhaps it was arrogant. Either way, as far as Ghyslaine was concerned... it would be their next meal.
The Plains would eat good tonight. At @Ilythia's words, she nods and speaks softly. "Of course... someone to spook it and drive it right towards us... would be quite welcome." She says softly.
Once the beast had been killed, another triumphant roar would leave her, as her excited eyes would raise to meet @Violarum 's, @Fallon 's, and @Olive 's- gazes. Her tail flicked behind her in excitement as she considered the meal before them- and then how they were going to drag it to the cache... or should they just all eat here?
Oh well, they could debate that later. Now it was time to eat.
-exit via supper time-