you'll see many examples if you stay with us." she promises, though doesn't exactly clarify. if cassandra stays long enough to integrate, to see the rituals, she would see true power. the power of the sigrun rising from the dead, breathing anew, with vellen's good grace.
@Zulema is tense upon her arrival and the high sovereign meets her gaze, intending to stretch a paw subtly out to rest it firmly on the ground. steady she promises; they would dutifully warn the pride, today. they would do everything they could to keep their family safe. @Ragna attends with the same dedication she's always had and her heart warms to see her daughter. @Zahra is quick to slide in after and flop down next to the noble, encouraging their moment to break. @Eir's presence is noted faintly, following her gaze to her leg, before offering a bitter smile. "
you should see the other one." she calls out with a snort. @Voluspa hesitates only a moment, eyes on aliza, before sitting at zahra's side and saga wonders how many... uncomfortable experiences the woman will have to wade through before proving herself in the face of the sigrun. @Vitala and @shiva come in quietly and take their places and she waits, a frown touching her lips. @Elixir seems to be the last and she exhales sharply, agitation and urgency leaving her unable to wait for anyone else.
saga makes to stand and aborts the motion before it's fully executed. it would be foolish to exhaust herself standing here when she can just as easily sit. "
scilla," she calls out, sweeping her eye across the assembled few. "
our noble has come to us with news of an upcoming threat." she pauses only a moment. "
the mist that lingers is dangerous. do not approach it - do not go into it. everyone stay in pairs while it covers the country." there's no room for questions, no room for hesitation. her voice is clear: this is now a law and to break it will have consequences.
for those of you unaware, i've slain two rike. they remain our steadfast enemies but we have the upperhand." a slow smile creeps across her lips, savage and without humor. "
alizabeth has won against sjórbjörn and is your new sovereign." she pauses again, letting the news sink in. "
nero will be your new heir." she's already talked to the boy and he's eagerly accepted. "
the galloway crew at the cay across the sea is an ally. we have a pact. i'm sure you've seen their medic, calypso, here to help where we can. we are in need of more medical help - voluspa carries quite the burden being the only one in the pride." of course, she knows nothing of elixir and her skills, yet.
the last bit of news," saga continues, leaning back slightly and tail twitching. "
is that vellen has blessed us." her swelling belly is obvious and she sees no reason to hide it. "
i carry demigods for the lagoon." she might seem mad, to those not of the family, but to the sigrun? this would be seen as the miracle it truly is. she doesn't look at hakon even as she longs to, doesn't name him to father or raise his position. she allows him to remain a background guardian, giving him the ability to choose if he would like to reveal his involvement, their... relationship? whatever it is.
things have been decidedly tense and she is no longer sure what their relationship is - and perhaps that is the reason she doesn't introduce him as the father.
going quiet, she looks expectantly at the pride, waiting for questions. concerns. outrage.