But that didn't make any of this easy. Brigid had become hyper aware of all the things she had wanted with Hákon, the fact that she would never have the opportunity to have those things was crippling. But she refused to let it show, the black sheep of the family instead proceeded to distance herself further from her family and him. She avoided the Lagoon like the plague, and though part of her definitely missed Magnus she knew that she couldn't force herself to go there. Brigid couldn't risk running into Hákon, she wouldn't be strong enough. Strong enough to face that he had moved on. And here she was, trapped in the sand. She moved across the beach, the familiar sound of the ocean waves comforting despite the cold chill in the air around her. Her blind gaze was cast outwards, inhaling and exhaling softly as she pulled to a halt. She needed to let him go, but god damn she didn't realize it would hurt just as much as it did. Picture stepping on glass, now picture dumping salt into all of those open wounds and proceeding to step on more glass. Her toes touched the water of a singular tide pool as she stood statuesque. In this moment she feared she would never be able to find herself again.
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July Y13
Summer is in full swing now, with clear skies, warm nights, and ample sunshine! As such, the deserts begin to grow dry, the shores remain a blissful escape, the north is spared with cooling winds, and humidity continues to rise in the jungle. Rain and storms are long forgotten troubles by now, which is both a virtue and a vice during the heat of the season.
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outside the law
12-19-2021, 02:21 PM
There was a mixture of emotions that Brigid felt following the challenge at the Brook. The news of Morrigan expecting had unsettled her. Maybe it was because she noticed herself how barren her own womb was. Brigid had never expected that she would yearn for children of her own, and realistically she didn't.. or well, she wasn't sure anymore. Ever since she and Hákon had separated she had become blatantly aware of just what she wasn't. She had never been good enough for him, hell she was certain that he had never cared about her to begin with. Ever since the fateful day where she had ended everything between them he hadn't sought her out once - part of her had been hoping that he would, but he never did. And actions certainly spoke louder than words to Brigid, it was clear where he stood with her.