<center><b style="color: #87e7e4;">Ciela</b> <b style="color: #fffff6;">Iscariot</b>
Medic & Nursemaid
The Consecrate Ethnarch
❖ Female
❖ Medium build
❖ Muscular
❖ Curvy
❖ Extra fluffy fur
❖ Smells of peaches and cream.
❖ She will be my primary or secondary character.
<center><b style="color: #fffff6;">Personality</b></center>
She is a woman that is cloaked in competitiveness; each sibling is a stepping stone to leap over and drive her forward. The urge to be better than everyone else fuels her — almost to an unhealthy degree. These urges make it so that she is never sitting idle, she always keeping track of anyone that she thinks might get in her way.
Ambition never ceases and is deeply intermingled with her competitiveness. She wishes to be mother of a great bloodline, matriarch, brood mother, hedonistic ruler and yet her fragile nature means she must be more cunning than the next, her words must weave a path of destruction and inspire loyalty. She says whatever needs to be spoken into existence to win the hearts and minds of dimmer individuals. But she is cut from a judgmental cloth, one that will not allow her to intermingle with those she deems as lesser — often leaving her with feelings of loneliness.
<center><b style="color: #fffff6;">Plans</b></center>
❖ <b> Betrothal...</b>
The girl is willing to do whatever is required to make strives to improve the position of both Iscariot and Miroslav, even marriage to a stranger. But she will be peculiar about it; going along with it because she knows that is what is required and expected of her. However, any mate that would try to hold her ambitions back will be quickly ignored in favor of power. Her mate climbs the rungs of power with her — or gets left behind.
❖ <b>You Are My Rival</b>
She is a creature swaddled in urges of ambition and competitiveness, that extends to her littermates. They are either on her side or competition to be crushed under her alabaster stiletto heel. The worst of these fostered rivaries are between Leonidas and herself; even if he is unaware. He is the heir, the one deemed worthy of ruling the family after their father. That means she is passed up, she's not the first choice and that grates on her sensibilities. Everything he does, she will have to rise to and outdo. If he gets a wife, she is getting four wives. There is nothing that she won't compete with him over.
❖<b> Endless Ambition </b>
There is nothing that she doesn't want, nothing that can put her off. If it can be claimed and owned then she wants it. She wants the prides, she wants other pride leaders to kneel to her, she wants the most handsome men as her confidants and the most beautiful women as her entourage. The finest cuts of meat? Those belong to her. The first sip of milk? She'll steal that too. Her ambition is insatiable.
❖ <b> Vassals </b>
The ability to mend and ease childbirth is not given freely to all those with the same pride or who ask. Instead, the girl uses these abilities as reins to control those around her; to indebt them to her and make them stand as staunch allies. They become her vassals, protectors, and the last line of defense before violence befalls her. Even though her vassals are some of the closest cards and pawns that she positions around herself for her protection, the girl finds herself cherishing them — in time.
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</div><div style="width: 400px; padding: 20px; background: #1c191f;"><div style="width: 300px; height: 20px; margin: -10px auto 2px; text-align: center; font-family: caveat; text-transform: lowercase;font-size: 20px; color: #806166;">Best give me your loyalty.</div><div style="width: 300px; height: 25px; overflow: hidden; margin: auto; font-family: lato; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: justify; color: #806166; font-size: 7px; line-height: 7px;">Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well.</div></div><div style="width: 400px; font-family: calibri; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 8px; margin: auto; text-align: right;">code by corvus</div></center>