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<img src="http://www.amaryllis-lions.com/images/trades/erudite.png"> <img src="http://www.amaryllis-lions.com/images/awards/inormant.png"> </div>
Leaning hard into the extra escape dice from Erudite and Sleuth since he is a big weenie</center>
<img src="https://i.postimg.cc/5tg6gRRQ/A71-EF22-D-2-DCF-4-F5-B-98-AD-888-C3-AEFDC06.png" style="float: left; margin-left: -35px; padding-right: 8px; ">
The lackluster son, Basil had given up trying to amount to anything the moment he was born. It was an awful experience, and seeded in his young mind the concern that whatever followed would probably be equally horrible, so why bother. He’s always been lazy in nearly every sense of the word, even down to the way he carries himself: reluctantly, usually slumped in a “I’d really rather not be here” slouch, his head never held higher than need be. There’s usually a dull, bored look on his face.
Whenever <i>gossip</i> reaches him though, he seems to liven up. The misfortune of others makes him feel better about his own miseries. He enjoys a little schadenfreude, yet is neither malicious enough nor <i>motivated</i> enough to trouble anyone himself. That would require too much effort — not to mention the consequences that he’d really rather not deal with (again, too much effort). Basil likes to keep himself an uninvolved witness to the chaos, <u>not</u> a player in it.
Given how otherwise apathetic he comes across as, it may be surprising then to learn that hidden behind that blasé look, Basil is quite troubled. He is insecure and incredibly anxious: the manifestation of his Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. More than merely bothered by the occasional intrusive thought, Basil is wholly consumed by them. Not <i>every</i> musing that pops into his head is a bad one, only <u>most</u> of them. They ricochet around his brain, smashing into each other and from every collision, more spark into existence. He helplessly chases each, yet never quite catches them, which only exacerbates his nervousness.
In particular, Basil is possessed by the thought of contamination. Common elements like mud give him visions of gangrene. He refuses to eat anything without fur (rhinoceros, hippopotamuses, elephants), unable to shake the belief that parasites can more easily burrow into bare skin, and therefore may be spoiling the meat. Feathered prey is also considered unclean, as infective lice could be hiding in the barbs, waiting to spread to his mane and coat.
Unrelated to his concern with cleanliness, yet nevertheless a fixation, is his obsession for even numbers, as well as numbers ending in three and five (such as thirteen and fifteen). The number nine is the one that vexes him the most. He likes <i>pairs</i>, especially matching pairs, and will drive himself mad trying to arrange the perfect set.
To ease his racing thoughts, Basil heavily self-medicates. He can often be found chewing on an Angel Trumpet’s leaf, or his namesake, basil. He’s stoned more often than not (and usually very obviously), which in addition to his somewhat unkempt mane, does nothing to improve his appearance of being lazy and sloth-like.
<b>OTHER KEYWORDS</B> Blunt; insensitive; sarcastic; cowardly.
<center>—> <a href="https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/JkAka-uqen_02M0-2ugpaD14BALeKg4jXsCxRryNGnQ/%3Fdl%3D1/https/i.postimg.cc/x9J2bZKt/7-DC1215-D-B29-B-4283-822-F-CD3-B0-A3-E8283.png?width=828&height=616">DESIGN REFERENCE</a> <—
Tall yet lanky - 3’ 8” and 455lb. </center>
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