Thankfully for her, the chambers appeared much more lively than the Labyrinth had been, birds chirping along the walls as sun peered down from above. It served as a wonderful distraction from her internal monologue for the time being, and for that she was ever thankful. Deluca lingered close to the inner circle of sun from where the ceiling opened up, striped silver pelt nearly glistening against everything else in the cave.
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October Y13
Amaryllis' discovered prides
ist das der zerstörer oder der schöpfer? ✧
07-01-2023, 01:13 PM
So much time had passed since the last time they had seen each other. In the far reaches of her mind, he was becoming a haunted ghost, an apparition. At this point, the silver woman was unsure what exactly her betrothal at such a young age entailed, but being separated for so long surely was not part of the deal. Dragos had been damn near impossible to track down, and if not for her determination, she probably would have stopped searching. For now though, with a heavily weighted heart, she had put a pause on her search so that she could prepare and better her skills for later use.
07-01-2023, 02:13 PM
If there was one thing Deluca did have going for her, it was her memory's ability to recall familiar faces....especially those of Savante origin. She had not expected another to be here, especially so deeply into a cave system than most would have turned away. To say the medic was surprised was an understatement. An eerily familiar voice rings out in obvious flirtation, causing Deluca's head to whip around to look at the Savante. The angel comment doesn't go unnoticed, although it causes the slightest of smirks to highlight her lips. Hellfire angel, perhaps, but she was no divine angel, that was for certain. " Deluca Bianchi, and if I remember are @Zsolt Savante. " The silver woman mused aloud, salmon colored eyes carefully observing him from her current position for safety reasons. She had no reason to believe any member of the Savante would attack her, given their political alliance of families, but she could never be sure. "What brings you out here? "
07-01-2023, 03:37 PM
The ivory man seemed fairly harmless. at least in the moment. She relaxes slightly then, shoulders softening and lowering despite her unknowing they had tensed in the first place. His feigned shame elicits an eyeroll from her, hardly visible in the somewhat shaded, somewhat lit up area they found themselves in. For now it seemed she would be staying here to conversate, so she reclines to her haunches to make herself more comfortable. " I would not expect everyone to remember my name, sir. " She muses softly, settling in even further onto the cool stone. It permeated the hot fur of her belly, effectively cooling her down. " This isn't my type of place. I had hoped I'd find more plants here, but... it seems I've only found you. "
07-03-2023, 05:34 AM
The lack of plants located thus far had proven disappointing to the medic, an emotion she found hard to swallow as it left a bitter taste on the tongue one could not easily dismiss. Compared to the Labyrinth, this place was much less eerie and more inviting, even to nature, but not enough to enforce its growth unfortunately. With a dismissive sigh, she turned her attention back to the conversation at hand. Zsolt will be just fine. Lips pressed firmly together as she dips her head curtly in response. " @Zsolt it is. " A paw stretches out ahead of her body lazily, flexing the toes individually before retreating the limb back to its original position. One musn't get comfy around strangers, and that meant making sure to keep all limbs operable. " I am a medic, yes. Medics are knowledgeable in both healing and poisonous herbs...or at least I am, I suppose. " The silver woman pauses then, salmon eyes diverting to the Savante man before her. " Do you know anything about where plants grow best here? "
+ 5 - study the flora of a neutral territory (malkia's chambers - 1/2)
+ 5 - study the flora of a neutral territory (malkia's chambers - 1/2)
08-13-2023, 11:29 AM
In the silence, the soft calls of birds and the wind settled in to fill the gap. It was a peaceful sound to her, a reassurance that all was well with the world. For a moment she finds herself with eyelids closed peacefully, thoroughly enjoying the sound. As he begins to speak again, her eyes open to focus her attention on the pale man, ears cusped forward to him. She nods along, acknowledging his sharing of knowledge for her. " The far is that from here? " Having never been to it, it was important to know how long the trek was so that she could seek it out again on a different day. If she was lucky, @Zsolt would know just how far it was.