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September Y13
Though the air is still warm and the sun is bright, the summer is beginning to wane and, with it, the humidity has started to die down. It is a welcomed relief for the inhabitants of the jungle, as more moderate weather will mean that the rainforest will not feel quite as stifling, as well as those from the desert, who's early autumn will see calm winds and mild nights. For the rest of the peninsula, the change in seasons will be gradual, hinting towards the colder months that are soon to come.
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Amaryllis' discovered prides
Dead Moon
01-12-2023, 10:11 PM
01-13-2023, 04:54 AM
It was dark. The moon hidden in the shadows of the night as the clouds shift in the sky above. Pink gaze glanced around as the oddly colored lioness made her way up the peak. While she wouldn't normally put herself in an area where she couldn't easily blend, she was still eager to explore. Seeing some fresh lion prints etched in the ground, they seemed to lead up to the falls. Raizel decided to follow them for a little bit. There was lightness to them. A sense of purpose behind each step that she studied. There was someone who recently came down these paths. Maybe this place was a special one.
Thinking to herself, this area would also be good to make some caches. While her time as a rogue had been a long one, she hadn't really thought of making caches to help her in the future. Finding a good spot by a group of trees, the pink lioness dug a nice, deep hole. Her pink paws turning into a grimy brown from the mud. Looking off to the side, she saw some moss covered rocks and went to go grab some. Taking one in her mouth, she brought it back to the hole and dropped it in. There was a small thump as it landed before turning to go get another one. Stepping away from the hole, Raizel looked off into the distance and saw someone but couldn't quite grasp who or what it was.
Master: Ranger
+5 Study and track footprints (1/2)
+5 Create or tend to a hidden food cache in neutral territory (1/2)
Thinking to herself, this area would also be good to make some caches. While her time as a rogue had been a long one, she hadn't really thought of making caches to help her in the future. Finding a good spot by a group of trees, the pink lioness dug a nice, deep hole. Her pink paws turning into a grimy brown from the mud. Looking off to the side, she saw some moss covered rocks and went to go grab some. Taking one in her mouth, she brought it back to the hole and dropped it in. There was a small thump as it landed before turning to go get another one. Stepping away from the hole, Raizel looked off into the distance and saw someone but couldn't quite grasp who or what it was.
Master: Ranger
+5 Study and track footprints (1/2)
+5 Create or tend to a hidden food cache in neutral territory (1/2)
01-18-2023, 12:52 AM
01-20-2023, 06:22 PM
The paw prints going towards the edge of the water were definitely lion. With the confirmation of the bright pink lioness studying them some more as she looked off into the distance. Raizel wondered how many trekked up into this area and since it was a peaceful place, she wouldn't be surprised if a lot came up here to think. As she went to gather another moss covered rock from the water's edge, there were tracks of deer who once came here for a cool drink. Interesting as it was an open area. Picking up the rock, Raz could taste the moss against her tongue and flicked her ears in distaste.
Heading back to the hole that she dug, she dropped the rock with a clunk as it landed on top of the other one. Hearing the sound of someone's voice, Raizel turned to surprisingly see another lioness that was pink! Although, she was quite toned down to a dull pink versus her own bright pink pelt. This stranger also had two different colored eyes, a pink and a blue while Raz only had dull pink eyes. They both looked so similar yet so different in the same strokes. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she fully turned to face the stranger. "I'm making a cache. Can't have too many hide-y holes for storing food and medicines." Smiling lightly, she actually quite liked making her caches.
Master: Ranger
+5 Study and track footprints (2/2)
+5 Create or tend to a hidden food cache in neutral territory (2/2)
Heading back to the hole that she dug, she dropped the rock with a clunk as it landed on top of the other one. Hearing the sound of someone's voice, Raizel turned to surprisingly see another lioness that was pink! Although, she was quite toned down to a dull pink versus her own bright pink pelt. This stranger also had two different colored eyes, a pink and a blue while Raz only had dull pink eyes. They both looked so similar yet so different in the same strokes. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she fully turned to face the stranger. "I'm making a cache. Can't have too many hide-y holes for storing food and medicines." Smiling lightly, she actually quite liked making her caches.
Master: Ranger
+5 Study and track footprints (2/2)
+5 Create or tend to a hidden food cache in neutral territory (2/2)
01-25-2023, 06:14 PM
01-26-2023, 01:17 AM
Unlike the pink stranger in front of her, Raizel knew who her family was but she looking nothing like them. The pink hued felines who were born in Gaia were ones who usually sought to become soul searchers and she had preferred to become a Ranger instead. Despite her bright pink colored pelt, she thrived at the challenge and often covered herself in mud to help disguise her look and scent. As each lioness thought their own thoughts, Raizel wondered if pink was a common color here. As the Ranger spoke of her new hidden hole for the cache that she was making, @Zaynab made a comment about her being worried about someone else finding it. "Well, that's kind of the point. Growing up in Gaia, each Clan had members who took Journeys. Often visiting other Clans and learning new arts from them. I was taught that caches made in neutral territories were done to help those on their Journeys be able to find food and medicine." It took her own time and energy to make the caches and fill them but she was taught it was a way to honor the Great Mother.