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IC News

June 27, 2024 Conflict and tensions rise as prides come head-to-head with one another across Amaryllis - just as Pyrrha and Cassius take the leap to try and claim (or reclaim) their own thrones.

May 24, 2024 Rulers continue to shift, family strife ensues, and, per usual, tensions seems taunt and always lingering on the horizon.

April 24, 2024 Things are rocky within Amaryllis as the Dieudonne clash result in three deaths and forces a shift in the rulership of Firnen Rainforest. With Caladan Cove freshly overturned as well, what will the consequenecss of these events be?

March 30, 2024 The lull has ended as a long standing family, the Dieudonné, launch death matches against their own. The Plains sees a challenge from a new comer, Aphrodite, and the quite pride is pushed into the spotlight.

March 19, 2024 A momentary lull has overtaken the lands of Amaryllis as its inhabitants attempt to find their footing and rebuild after a string of challenges. How long it will last, however, nobody can be quite sure.

February 11, 2024 The Mire has fallen from the Stärke family and is now held by Luther Rike. The change has stirred but the fighting nature of those on the island. The Brook finds a new leader with Icefang and Isla takes over the Lagoon after a storm pushes out the old leader. Reti finds himself the leader of the Hollows after Alexander is hurt. The Oasis finds a new leader in Léonie who is soon tested by Harou.

January 8, 2024 The snow has finally begun to melt anew, which means that the world is slowly returning to the much-anticipated summer season. With the various holiday activities and the other jests put on by Nafasi also coming to a close, it is safe to say that winter is finally over.

December 5th, 2023 Nafasi had pulled a cruel trick and has sent Amaryllis back into a renewed winter season! But it's not all bad, because the lands will also see a handful of holiday-themed events popping up as a result. To make things more interesting, a wayward trio of travlers have also arrived and are facilitating a mass competition between the prides, bands, and rogues -- formally dubbed the Amaryllis Winter Games.

December 2nd, 2023 The spring air brings forth a number of pride challenges. A familiar challenger for the Cove and the Oasis arrive to try to earn what they want. The new leader of the Lagoon is tested in battle as well. What changes will come from the challenges? Who will remain standing and who will find their world turned upside down?

November 27th, 2023 In a challenge between mother and daughter, the leadership of Wolfbron Bluff changes for the first time in 5 IC years.

November 22nd, 2023 Two death matches, one resurrection, and an almost-war later, the lands find themselves in a constant state of turmoil and calamity. Families have been torn apart and endless blood has been spilt; but how is it all going to end?

November 3rd, 2023 The lands stir violently as a death match rages on between Aeistrios Saxe and Morrigan Greyflood. Observers spill into the pit in droves to witness what will no doubt be a historic battle -- and it is clear that this familial fued is far from over, no matter who wins and who dies.

October 12th, 2023 With winter comes the surge of more pride challenges; Ludivine challenges Ryker for Firnen Rainforest and is victorious in her endeavors, meanwhile an outcropping of maims breaks out on the sidelines. In a shocking turn of events Luther returns to challenge Bruno for Ecrosia Mire, will the former heir prove victorious or has Bruno got what it takes to keep his brother's ambitions at bay? This has undoubtedly shaken things up as Bruno declares war against Andal Oasis and Allies in the process!

September 26th, 2023 A series of pride challenges spark up across the peninsula, while warring families face-off as tensions reach their boiling points. Anthonius Savante barely manages to escape the clutches of Apollinaire Dieudonne with his life, while death looms over the broken truce between the Valour-Greyflood and Saxe families.

September 4th, 2023 After Tinúviel collapsed at the Wolfbron Bluff's challenge, she was unable to make it back to the Lagoon to take up her leadership position again and the pride disbands. Diomedeidae & Cirilla fight for the pride.

August 28th, 2023 Both Amara and Morrigan keep their prides. Lachesis doesn't show to defend the Brook and Renfri takes over. The Wolfbron Bluffs challenge seems to be setting off fireworks already.

August 15th, 2023 The two longest standing female leaders are both fighting for their prides once again. Anthonius challenges Amara for the Bluffs. Amaroq challenges Morrigan for the Summit. A new leader faces his first challenge as Renfri challenges Lachesis for the Brook. Did anyone think that peace was something the island was able to have?

August 1st, 2023 Conflict, drama, love, and loss - the lands are never free from any of it for more than a fleeting moment. As the summer months wane on and the season nears its end, there is no telling what is coming next upon the horizon.

June 19th, 2023 With the rains leaving and spring upon the island, things are heating up among the lions. Bruno seeks to unseat his father in the Mire. Helah looks to dethrone Scorpius in the Oasis and keep the fire between the Bluffs and the Oasis alive. The Plains have raided the Brook and allies on both sides showed up to help.

May 23rd, 2023 All is fair in love and war - moments of chaos and peace lull in a cyclical nature across the lands of Amaryllis, though most are wise enough to know that the quiet never lasts quite long enough.

April 20th, 2023 Alexander manages to win the Hollows and Tiamat keeps the Lagoon. Vághan challenges Amara for the Bluffs but Amara is able to hold off another challenger and keeps the Bluffs. The Cove was hit by a storm that washed away it's leader leaving the lands open to be claimed by Nephthys and Keligan who both are attached to the land. Cirilla attempts to take the Oasis from Scorpius who seems driven to keep the land.

April 5th, 2023 It doesn't take long for the dust to kick up as the Hollows is challenged for by Alexander once again and the Lagoon is challenged for by Fernweh.

March 31st, 2023 As wars and challenges continue to break out across the lands, Amaryllis is certainly keeping up with its turbulent reputation. One can only hope that the dust will settle soon enough - for everyone's sake.

March 10th, 2023 The turbulance of the prides never ceases for very long, as a violent landslide forces the members of Firnen Rainforest to evacuate and disband. Who will step up for the throne this time around?

March 1st, 2023 While Gauthier manages to retain control of Caladan Cove, Lorien Plains' fate is not so simple. With Aeistrios overthrowing Violarum and taking the pride's throne, how will things unravel from here?

archive of old in-character news

OOC News

July 1, 2024 Our summer break is coming up soon! Learn more here!

June 27, 2024 The June Posting Raffle is coming to a close this weekend, so get your posts and ticket counts in!

May 28, 2024 Our June posting raffle is posted for sign ups! Sign up here. Be sure you vote for your favortie banner! Seasons banner contest voting!

May 23, 2024 The Guidebook has officially been updated with the new trade perks, as per the revamp. Please ensure that you are changing your trades or picking your perks from the pools (if applicable) in this thread.

April 19, 2024 We are entering the next phase of our trade perk revamp and testing with the launch of our soft opening, which includes the new perks going live and changes being able to be made to characters. Please read the thread in its entierty. Additionally, this is a reminder that you have until May 9th to exit your double exp threads!

April 01, 2024 Our Spring Update is a MASSIVE update! New trade perks are annouced, changes to leadership and prides, new ranks, and more! Be sure to read it over! After you are done, be sure to head to member testing to give the new trade perks a test drive!

March 19, 2024 With our site-wide double trade experience event now fully underway, the Admin team would like to bring our official 2024 Site Fundraiser to everyone's attention. We rely on our members to keep the site going, and are offering a wide range of gifts and prizes - please take a look!

March 1, 2024 Our double trade experience fundraiser is open for donations! Please read about the changes made for this time around.

February 13, 2024 It is time for our 2024 Community Check In. This survey covers OOC areas, IC areas, and a few other things that staff are looking to gain insight on. This is very important to us so please take the time to answer the questions. You have until March 11th to finish this survery. Once complete, you can claim an item from the shop or 150xp. More details are in the survey.

January 25, 2024 Site update! Please review some changes to the site here.

January 8, 2024 Happy New Year and welcome back from our site-wide break! We're looking forward to picking things back up, and hope that everyone feels refreshed.

December 2, 2023 Fa la la la la, la la la la! It's finally December, and we all know what that means — holiday events, woohoo! We will also be having a site break December 22nd - Jan 5th.

November 28, 2023 We are looking for input on the trade system revamp. Learn more about it and the raffle here!

October 26, 2023 We are looking for a few additional staff members to help with processing things around the sitd. Please apply if you have the time and are interested!!

October 19, 2023 A very important site update is out today, so please take a look and read through it in full.

October 11, 2023 If you weren't aware, we have an ongoing Halloween Event! The IC event is live as of today, and both that and the scavenger hunt will run until the end of the month.

September 26, 2023 There is less than a week left of our site-wide double exp event, so get in there and earn what you can! Also stay tuned for some fall fun coming to the site in October.

August 20th, 2023 Let's talk; Amaryllis does not condone the stealing of content or harrasment in any form.

August 10th, 2023 It's World Lion Day! That means a free character for all of our active members! Check out the details here.

August 1st, 2023 Our site break has officially ended - we hope that everyone enjoyed the downtime and that you are looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Please refer to the original announcement for timelines to get caught up!

archive of old out-of-character news


Character of the Month
Pair of the Month
Thread of the Month
Who's Who

Pride Challenges
Reti vs Ghyslaine for LP
Luther vs Zahra for EM
Rank Challenges
Lioness or Cub Challenges
Velasco & Lathan vs. Karsa & Ghyslaine for Haipo
Alaric vs. Melusina for Melusina
Dominance Matches
Vukasin vs Kaos for Dominance
Maim Matches
Icefang vs Cassandra for Major Maim
Hubert vs Saga for Major Maim
Grimm vs Zahra for Minor Maim
Noemi vs Nikandr for Minor Maim
Teodora vs Lagertha for Minor Maim
Dominic vs Magdalena for Major Maim
Karsus vs Zaahir for Minor Maim
Kovirah vs Vermier for Minor Maim
Reti vs Gauthier for Minor Maim
Death Matches
Helah vs Walpurgis
August Y12
The summer season has finally reached its peak. The sunshine is plentiful, the days are long and the air is hot and humid - but the evenings do not seem to provide the same relief that they once had, and remain somewhat stuffy. Thunderstorms have also began appearing more frequently, particularly in the rainforest and eastern region, though the rain is welcomed after a relatively dry season thus far.

Map & Calendar

Recent Posts

Site Time
The current time on Amaryllis is:

The bread and butter

All site-based items on Amaryllis are copywritten to the owners. Characters are copywritten and owned by their creators. Amaryllis is currently owned by Ice and Squid. Default skin coded by Dusk. Full credits here.

I love you, goodbye
      |   #1

She had seen it in his eyes the moment he left the battlefield. He had won, but things were only going to continue downhill from that point on. In the brief hours that followed before the arrived home, she had clung desperately to the hope that a path forward would reveal itself, that clarity would come with time. And she supposed it had.

He had made the call to appoint the next heir, despite half their eldest children being gone, viable candidates for the position overlooked because he, too, could sense the end was nearing. The thought had rung hollow in her head when she had sat beside him to watch the healers tend to his wounds, while he had called for the pride. She had sat dutifully by his side, trying to ignore the heavy weight of reality pressing down on her. She had chained herself to a man that could only bring about destruction. It wasn’t his fault. Not really. It was just who he was, the essence of his very soul crafted so expertly to bring pain and devastation. He wasn’t meant for this softness of this world, and as hard as she had tried, she had not been able to keep him from the edge. From crossing those unforgivable lines.

She had spent the months in Andal suspended in a sense of dread, fearing what would happen if Morrigan had been successful in taking his life. In the end, though he had won, the man that returned to her had been consumed by his demons. He was lost to her in the end, anyways.

This could only end in death.

His life, or the lives of every child that bore their name, their blood. Her life, the lives of the other women who had been foolish enough to love him, too. A choice had to be made, and she was the only one with the strength to make it. He was too far gone to see the mess they were in, and Recluse’s words hadn’t done anything but push them both further in the wrong direction.

She led him to the edge of the watering hole, halting their march towards the Plains. “We should take a moment. Rest, and gather your strength.” She urged him softly, hovering a few paces back from the shoreline. Though she felt the tense anxiety writhing within her, she forced herself to sit, to relax her posture. To not give him any reason to suspect her.

“What will we do now? Once our children are home again, with no allies in all of amaryllis… What will we do?” She knew what the answer was, what it had to be. A price needed to be paid for peace, but that was not the route he would opt for. He would pave all of the land in blood, or die trying. And as much as she would have loved to revel in that glory at his side, they did not have the strength he seemed to think they did, and Renfri would not die fighting on the losing side.

Art & Code by Vasilia
      |   #2

When @Renfri had come to him, Aeistrios had wanted to shoo her away with nothing more than a pained grunt from his lips. His wounds had just started to close, hardly, and that was largely due to the constant healing and bandaging he was forced to endure from his lead medic. Truly he was lucky, but Aeistrios was blind to the appreciation he should be giving Iofiel, and more highlighted on the way he felt. Selfish, as always, and ignorant too.

It was only because of the why that he had decided to finally leave his den, forced into the sunlight of the new season, no longer such a harsh winter that chilled his pelt. His stride was slower, his movements placed with more thought as he did his best to maneuver in ways that didn't agitate the worst of his wounds. Aeistrios' limb was still severe, but he'd found a way to hobble along enough when it came to securing a child of his. Even if he might only be looking to play an intimidating role this time, and let Renfri do the fighting. That's what he had decided to himself anyways.

Her bodice slows before him and announces that it is time for him to take a small rest, something he'd never refuse. A sigh leaves him, and his frame finds itself aiming to near where the watering hole was. This land had always been Aeistrios' favorite, a certain fondness developed within one of the many naps he had secured here. A smile creeps on his face at the thought, before he hears his wife directing questions at him.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" He remarks back to her, almost dismissive in his worn tone. Purple eyes find themselves glancing downwards at the thawing water, how refreshing it looked to his dry throat. "They have magic on their side, but even that has to have a weakness. I am going to find it, and kill Cassandra first." He voices this as if he had thought about it a hundred times over, a plan that he may of even dreamt in some of his healing slumber. "And then Eisa, and Isla, and that wife of Morrigan too. Maybe one of their lionesses will realize their fate and wed to bring peace to them once more." Because he could, and would, fight them until his dying breath just as they had vowed it to him.

The only difference? He had already proven he could.

"You'll need to prepare the kids, for the inevitable wars to come. Bordeaux had recent cubs, and Olympia too, who I wed recently, more Saxe who can be wielded rightfully." And more to make his enemies suffer with, for now Aeistrios was pissed off they denied him the satisfaction of Morrigan staying dead. He does not glance back to her then, though, and finally he leans down to the tempting waters and laps out as he refreshes his senses.

      |   #3

It's obvious. Even before he said the words, he knew what they would be. Death to them all. It was not an outcome she necessarily disagreed with, but if Morrigan had been resurrected once, who was to say it couldn’t be done again? And what did the Saxe have in terms of securing their own immortality? An aging healer that only came to them because he was devoted to the land they had claimed, a handful of unskilled, untrained children with a desire to learn more about herbs and healing. Too many bridges burnt in the name of vanity, and she had gone along with it, fed into it. Had believed their unity would be enough to usher them through the flames, perhaps a bit singed, but intact.

The walls were pressing in too closely now, could feel the inevitability of their grizzly end if she didn’t do something to try and correct the course. To try and at least give her children a shot at salvation. Gods, when had she decided they were more important than herself? That she would be willing to place her own life on the alter to give them just the barest hope of a slightly less bleak future.

His back was to her, his broken, wounded body so relaxed in her presence. So trusting of her, even after all of it. Would he understand, on some level, why she had to do this? Would he ever find a way to forgive her for the sin she was about to commit, and all that would have to follow?

“I guess it was always inevitable, wasn’t it?” Her voice was softer than normal, more somber than it should be when discussing the elimination of their enemies. She stood slowly, watching him. Taking in the sight of him there, and knowing these would be their final moments together. She wanted to savor it for a moment longer, wanted the moment to drag out for a short eternity. But their children’s lives hung in the balance, and she could not let this opportunity slip past her. Nor could she let it go unseen.

She raised her head, letting out a call that she hoped would reach the farthest corners of the island. A call for Aesitrios’ death. Let this be the end.

She leveled her gaze on him once more, unsure how much time passed after the sound of her voice faded from the air. She was moving towards him before she was aware of her own limbs, her body functioning on its own accord. She aimed for his mangled limb with parted jaws, trying to cling to memories of the night he had tried to rip her own limb from her body. To meet him with the same brutality he had shown her in the wake of the raid. Because that was what was needed to lead the Saxe. She could not be weak, could not falter, but if she failed, she only hoped that her greatest betrayal would be enough to buy her children a chance in this world.

@Renfri vs. @Aeistrios
for Death
Round 1 / 7
Rolling 4d20: 5 + 15 + 1 + 11

Rolling 9d20: 14 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 20 + 4 + 5 + 19 + 11

Rolling 5d20: 20 + 10 + 5 + 14 + 9

Art by Era - Code by Sava
      |   #4

It was by pure chance that Astarte had heard the call, a call for another death, so soon after the Plum king had called for Morrigans blood to be spilled. Astarte was no ally to Illyria, their family had killed her first husband, and Morrigans daughters were everything against what the Rike stood for, but Astarte was a loyal dog to @Alaric, and it was he who had named the Andal King an enemy.

She'd watched Aestrios attack Alaric during the Ecrosia war, and it had boiled her blood, she'd raged at the thought of losing someone she'd cared about foe so long, and she was dying to see the purple bastard bleed to death with no friends or family to aid him.

That's what had her shifting directions, quickly making her way to where she found the two, head tilting a bit, the lioness was familiar but unnamed, Astarte didn't care, didn't give a rats ass about who she was. She let out a supporting roar, before another loud roar is called to everyo.r who should get to see the bastard die.

+5 Observe a fight (Aeistrios vs. Renfri)
      |   #5
He is not sure what she was looking for in his response, if anything at all besides just being in the know. Aeistrios assumed whole-heartedly that she would be in agreement with him, maybe even excited to help put the plans in motion with how well her skills were in stealth. Along with her own thirst for blood - didn't she want to see those who held her prisoner free? Those who took their children, dead?

I guess it was always inevitable, wasn't it? Her voice is softer as his trickles his ears, but he doesn't pay mind to the difference, too distracted by the way the water cooled his dry throat, and gave his body some much needed hydration with all his wear and tear. His drinking slows and droplets fall from the torn edges of his face, but it is the call from Renfri that seems to still even the water in place as it rings out.

A call for his death, from her lungs.

There is a shock that washes over his body, a cold sensation that traces along his spine like a cruel karma, laughing at him. A flashing pain of hurt crosses over his features, and his heart pulls; dropping to the bottom of his chest. He sucks in a harsh breath, as if she had already physically hurt him. He realizes then that her words had held a double meaning, a meaning that struck to the heart of Aeistrios while her betrayal broke what fragments might of made up the blackened organ. He had given so much into her, he had poured his dignity into her, laid all of himself at her paws when she held control of the Brook. When she had shown her loyalty was without question. Aeistrios had shown Renfri things no other had ever seen in him, things no one else ever would - and that was when he realized they had done it.

Amaryllis had done it - his enemies found victory.

They'd turned the one person he'd never thought against him, broken her loyalty with whispers of death that she was too scared to fight against. He had just killed Morrigan, proven his strength, his power - and instead of praise, she wants to end him? His mind reels back to the night she was freed from the Summit, the same day he and Morrigan had put the pact in place between their families. She hadn't been grateful to him, hadn't seen what he sacrificed for her. And now, now he had sacrificed his own life and more, and it was not enough.

The other half of him applauded her. She managed to lure him out here under the false claims of freeing a daughter of theirs from the Plains - only to really seek and make it his graveyard. How fitting, that she chose his favorite land in Amaryllis. How fitting, that she chose when he was near-death to look and take him out.

Maybe the part that angered him the most, was that a piece of him knew she had the ability to. That this wasn't a senseless plan; Renfri was never the one to act without thought, without detailed analyzation to make sure things sway in her favor. This wasn't because she was scared - this was because she wanted power. She saw him at his lowest, the weakest he'd ever been before; and she struck. With him out of the way, she could have it all, and maybe more.

He'd lost the Plains to Violarum when he was weakened by poison; which felt minor to what state he was in now. Now, he stood alone, facing death once more and yet this dance was far more dangerous with Renfri. He'd never feared Morrigan before - but he had his wife. She had been everything and then some, but he'd never expected her reach of power to go this far. She had united them only to break them, and Aeistrios was enraged by how easily he'd been played.

"We are the same." He mocks aloud then, finally letting his voice take to the silence that coated his throat. "A beautiful lie. What did they promise you, Renfri? What are they giving you for my head? Or was this your plan all along - fool me until you had the perfect chance to steal everything i've built?" She barrels into him then, and it is the physical blow that seems to make it all become so real to him. This wasn't a dream he was having, a thought in the wind or a worst case scenario thrown aloud from thoughts. This was reality; and neither of them had immorality.

One of them was going to die here today, there was no fixing what Renfri had just done.

His limb is secured in her jaws and she tears - she tears so much that in one single move upon him, she had torn his paw from his ankle, severed and maimed him with such ease that her lethal skills became even more apparent. This was no fair fight, and the dawning fact that this is exactly what he would have done to someone else hits home. She was Saxe, so much so that it poisoned her blood and truly made her a pureblood devil, for she was willing to go to hell in order to secure his death, so unafraid of him that no other blood but Saxe could be within her veins. He'd influenced her so much that he had built his own fatal demise.

"What of our children?! You are ruining them!" A seethe as he understands the severity this will have upon his young Saxe. His children - his children would be here to see this soon, no doubt. He knew that roar stretched for lands, knew they would come to their parents call; and what were they to think of all this? Had Renfri considered that? His family was the whole reason they were in this mess, with how much he cared to protect them endlessly as well as abide by their strength and instinct. This... this was cruel, and Aeistrios realized Renfri was no better than Reah, she abandoned him even worse.

Defying all odds, Aeistrios feels a surge of faint adrenaline, and it is enough to get the pain to fade, his mind able to urge his jaws downwards. They splay, and his fangs attempt to sink into the back of Renfri's neck, his hold anything from tender and gentle. He looked to destroy, bitter from her treason, and scared she might actually succeed.

Aeistrios vs @Renfri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rolling 9d20: 10 + 5 + 19 + 3 + 17 + 11 + 9 + 12 + 18

Rolling 4d20: 6 + 4 + 2 + 9

Rolling 5d20: 11 + 16 + 1 + 4 + 14

((DMs waive wounded rolls))
art by riot/coding by riot

      |   #6

She watched as the last pieces of the man she knew fell away, but no.. That wasn’t right. She did know this version of him, had plotted his demise once before. It was the man she loved that was gone. All that was left of him were the parts that refused to see her as the salvation that she was. For him, for their family. They had done well under her leadership, had known was it was like to breath without threats constantly looming over their every step.

It may have been too late. She had no way of knowing if this would be enough, if this would only further seal her own fate, but she had to try. It must look like a manifestation of her greed and ambition, but above all else, Renfri was a survivor. If she had her way, Aeistrios would have belonged to her forever. Sacrifices had to be made sometimes, and she wouldn’t shy away from what had to be done.

He speaks, his words like knives in her heart. She wanted to explain, to tell him why, but it wouldn’t make a difference. He wouldn’t understand, he didn’t want to. Besides, she had to become his villain if this was going to work, to be worth it. “There were no promises. The Saxe will be eradicated under your leadership- they will be mine to wield.” His blood was her own, his children- hers. The Saxe were hers.

As she flies towards him, she meets her mark, teeth sinking deep into his already shredded flesh. She can taste the lingering remains of the healing ointments she’d watched Iofeil spread on his wounds, the very same ones the healer had begun to teach their daughter. (Gods, would she be okay after this?) His paw separated from his body in her jaws, glee and disgust mixing in an odd combination of emotions. She felt his own fangs sink into the back of her neck, and the severed paw fell from her jaws to the ground as she let out a hiss of pain. A paw flew up, aiming to gouge her claws across his maimed face.

@Renfri vs. @Aeistrios
for Death
Round 2 / 7
Rolling 4d20: 10 + 19 + 7 + 1

Rolling 9d20: 11 + 10 + 12 + 20 + 15 + 8 + 5 + 14 + 19

Rolling 5d20: 18 + 19 + 3 + 12 + 14

Art by Era - Code by Sava
      |   #7
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2023, 12:55 PM by Zahra.)
Life was always full of surprises, turns, and paths. And at this point in her life she was never expecting things to be as steady as she would had liked. She knew not to expect anything from no or anything and to be ready for any circumstances that could arise. Thankfully, Morrigan was spared, Vellen had been generous, and she had to thank him for such. But for how long will he?

It was such a turn of events to see her enemies turn against themselves. How ironic it felt to see the purple idiot being challenged for death by his own family. Karma was a thing she was very aware of, and it seemed it was the bastard's turn to perhaps get what he earned. To have all the bad he had done against himself. And of course Zahra wanted to be there to watch her enemy perish.

She arrived, but being no idiot, she had washed her scent and poisoned her claws, ready for battle should it come to it. But otherwise, she used the vegetation to hide; she wasn't just doing to expose herself. She simply wanted to watch life, asking for payback.

((Zahra is attempting to hide))

assassin level 3 perk to remain hidden
1 is failure, 2 is success
Rolling 1d2: 1

+10 Successfully stay hidden for the duration of a thread
+5 Practice speed or stealth
+5 Practice covering your scent

code by cala & art by Swan
      |   #8
olympia saxe will not hide away in the safety of the shadows or leave for the sanctuary of her den, the den that aeistrios built for her. she also does not know the rhyme and reason behind this fight, as she only knows that aeistrios had won some type of battle before this. still unclear of why the couple is fighting, the peach lioness situates herself nearby, just enough for others to notice her. the cubs are being watched by an oasis sentry. they will not be touched lest the intruders kill everyone there. even so, olympia came because she needed aeistrios.

her stomach plunges and she wants to howl. the snakes and vultures that follow her are surely ill omens, each body placed across the land as if waiting for death to happen. olympia is ashamed of her lack of usefulness right now, but she knows she cannot stop them either. it hurts her, to see her husband and a sister-wife fight like this.

[open for minor maims and dom matches!]

      |   #9
They will be mine to wield.

A thief - she was going to steal it all from him.

It was maddening, the overwhelming sensation of the emotions he felt. They hit him all at once, unrelenting and merciless as he feels the full effects of what was happening here. The bruising fact was that she held the advantage, and the upper hand against him in more ways than one as they clashed into battle. There were no promises, no lures for her to turn against him; this was all her doing, her doing as a Saxe.

He was the Saxe King, he was the one who made her a Saxe.

He would be the one to take it away from her, and her life as bonus.

Renfri's paw reaches upwards and gouges at his maimed face, one of her sharp talons digging deep and shredding large portions of his flesh away. A sound of agony exhales from his lips - unable to find the energy to block out all his pain. Everything in him was thrown into this fight, using all of his reserves - what little he had left from defeating Morrigan. The logical part of him knew it wasn't going to be enough - but the Saxe side assured him that greater glory was beyond after her death.

Jaws sink into her neck, and he aims to tear back roughly, hoping to remove the piece of flesh from her altogether in his hold. His weight shoves forward, and he looks to try and force her downwards to the ground with his positioning.

Aeistrios vs @Renfri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rolling 9d20: 1 + 19 + 12 + 20 + 14 + 3 + 18 + 9 + 17

Rolling 4d20: 3 + 9 + 2 + 18

Rolling 5d20: 11 + 12 + 1 + 9 + 18

((DMs waive wounded rolls))
art by riot/coding by riot

      |   #10
Fights for the death seemed to be a common occurrence in these strange lands. For her had only seen these kind of fights in the short time she had been in these places. Yet there was a morbid wish to watch, to see them despite the potential of how gruesome they could end up being. But for Celestis death was just part of life, and many times she had seen it up close. Way to many for it to bother her anymore, and that alone made her nearly insensitive with watching someone losing their lives. Again as she had no previous knowledge about these lions, she wasn't able to understand the reasoning behind this. But that didn't bring a major inconvenience, all of these lions meant nothing to her.

She hides and watched in silence. Washing her scent I'm a nearby river she users the foliage to hide and hopefully watch in peace.

((Celestis is attempting to hide))

+5 Practice hiding your scent
+5 Infiltrate a group thread without getting caught
+10 Remain undetected in a large thread (5+ characters)
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