KNEEL TO THE CROWN Whether Diuris was becoming annoyed with him or not, Zagan didn't know. Zagan was becoming annoyed with himself. The inability to navigate a diplomatic endeavor was not a skill that Gwyn had imparted with the same magnitude as how to draw blood in battle. All he had to go on was his gut feeling and what seemed right. It was difficult, and it had his claws curling into the sand to silently express his frustration with himself. Realizing he was beginning to tense again, the clay colossus let out a breath he'd been holding and loosened his toes. "No, no. There is no danger to the cub or mother." At least, not that he was aware of, and certainly not from him. Perhaps from themselves... and especially if they started yet another cluster for no reason. But that was out of his control. He was here to do what he could. Lifting his eyes to meet the golden man's with an imploring gaze, he started from the beginning. It was the best option he had at the moment. "When I arrived at your claim for the Lagoon, there was a cub who was shouting a challenge to you. With... colorful, language. I thought to stop him, and reached out to tap his rear with my paw, telling him that it was a bad idea. I do not believe that there are many males who would kill a cub," He inclined his head to indicate that he thought the exact same of Diuris; The man was just not a cub killer. "His mother, whose name I do not know, charged in and threatened me for my actions. I did not want to engage her, as I do not believe women should be attacked without absolute perfect reason, but I was prepared to receive her ire. I told her as much. Should my trying to keep her cub from getting hurt warrant violence, so be it." He shrugged. Given the option to repeat the situation, he would have reacted in the exact same way. "It was then that my father, Gwyn, appeared, and expressed the stupidity of threatening someone who was only trying to help. Gwyn..." Brows furrowed again. "He does not mince words, and threatening his family is something he will never take lightly. He did not attack, though. No. It was the big male, whom I presume to be the cub's father, who did." A small hint of anger drifted across his features, followed shortly by exasperation. "The man charge in, didn't stop to find out the situation, and went straight to maim my father for his words. Stupid." The word was spat with venom. Almost in equal measure toward his father as toward Gwyn's aggressor. The entire thing shouldn't have happened. "The man was losing, and Gwyn let him go without serious injury. Everyone left." Zagan rolled his shoulders, tilting his head side to side, loosening the tension he had inadvertently gained during his explanation. "I went to the Labyrinth to relax. But I was followed." Visible effort was put into remaining calm at this moment. "The cub's father tracked me, and attacked me. Simply because I commented that I was not as stupid as he for his senseless maim against my father and lack of care to understand a situation." He left the outcome of that vague. He was still here, still alive, despite what might've been the man's true intentions. Sighing, he continued. "Pistis, Gwyn's wife and my step-mother, wished to settle differences with the cub's mother. She did so by calling for a dominance match in the Pit." He remembered that Diuris had mentioned not knowing of such a place, and explained briefly as he continued. "The Pit is a place at the foot of Freyr, a hole made of sheer rock in the terrain. It is used as an arena. Which was the perfect neutral ground for Pistis and the woman to fight out their aggressions. I..." The expression on the boy's face softened. He spoke fondly of his step-mother, and it was clear. "I take Pistis as a replacement for my mother, and I feared for her safety in the face of a woman who would threaten an innocent bystander trying to help her cub." He shook his head, regretting what he was about to say. "I went with the intention to jump into the fight, to help Pistis." Shame hung heavy 'round his shoulders. Violence begat only violence. Hence his presence here now. "The young male who fought you for the Lagoon, I do not know his name, either, but he showed up at the Pit. His speech was slurred, I didn't understand what he was saying, but I didn't much care at the time. I was concerned for Pistis only. Gwyn was my saving grace, arriving and having me stand down." He looked away, trying to hide the chagrin in his eyes. "Pistis is as strong as she is beautiful and kind. She can handle herself. So I sat down, prepared to only watch and provide support once the fight was over. But peace was not to last." His head snapped back to Diuris. "The male who challenged you lept upon my father for dominance. I have no idea why. It... it makes no god damned sense." He caught the anger in his voice and looked away again. He wasn't mad at Diuris. And he didn't want him to think that he was. "After that, more lions appeared. Someone from Obsidian Hollow came after me. The cub's father came as well, for Gwyn. More faces I am not familiar with, most of them going after Gwyn. Like vultures on a damn carcass." The pitch of his voice rose, cracking with teenage emotion. He reeled himself back in quickly, setting his rear end to the sand to keep his body calm. A deep breath was taken, eyes closing as he tried to find a center. Violence was so much easier. He could simply aim to end the Crazies, one by one, until the Casimir ruled supreme. But that would be the easy path. Eyes opened and rose to met Diuris', much more calm, and now imploring. "I believe I heard you offer temporary shelter to the cub, the mother, and the father. I am here to ask if you will allow me to call to them. To talk to them and clear the air so that this... madness, will not continue. And..." Ears laid back, head dipping but eye contact kept. "I am asking if you will act as a moderator so that the discussion does not devolve into more violence." There it was. The teenager's plan to save his loved ones from more unnecessary bloodshed. He was laid bare, and though he did not like how naked he was before an ultimate stranger, he felt he had no other choice. Family safety was not always won at the tip of a blade. 1,160 words | @Vasilis STAND IN THE SUN hail to the king |
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July Y13
Summer is in full swing now, with clear skies, warm nights, and ample sunshine! As such, the deserts begin to grow dry, the shores remain a blissful escape, the north is spared with cooling winds, and humidity continues to rise in the jungle. Rain and storms are long forgotten troubles by now, which is both a virtue and a vice during the heat of the season.
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01-26-2021, 09:23 PM